Eyes glued.

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"So, when I tell you she has a way to make you see stars, it's not exactly in the common way you would expect. But let me tell you, it was damn worth it!"

Yes, his eyes are glued on her as soon as the streetlights turn green and she walks past him with her sheer red sunglasses on her face and this fierce expression like she was out on a mission.
Chan moves his head around to see how she struts away and misses how his manager says something to him.
His body makes full contact with the streetlight pole and he hears his manager beside him snicker when Chan quickly composes himself from his embarrassing clumsy behavior. He can't help but give a semi-angry glance at the man before whipping his head back to where he saw the girl who's already gone from his field of vision. Damnit.

— - —-~'~-— - —

"Can I?—,"
He tries to sneak away from his bodyguard and manager, but gets pulled back on his arm when he turns around.
"No, Christopher, we've lost you twice already this week. No wandering off this time."
He pouts and follows the big A on the leather jacket of the girl who walks in the opposite direction away from them.
Nawh... Why did he have to spot her again with his team around him? He knows he should keep his attention to the guys walking him over to the company, talking about their upcoming shows and what not, but as soon as he got a glimpse of her he was distracted.
"Just a —,"
"Chris, no." His manager is ruthless and playfully grabs him by the handle of his backpack to pull him towards him.
Chan feels like a small puppy on a leash and hangs his head low to play into the friendly banter. Maybe next time?

— - —-~'~-— - —

"Fuck off."
She dashes towards the exit of the store and in pure panic he holds the door open for her when she marches through.
He heard her bicker with the shop's clerk and Chan was planning on walking up to her to help, but she managed the situation perfectly fine herself apparently.
He's now standing there with the door still open, his hand around the knob when the clerk asks him to close it to keep in the heat.
"Uh, oh yeah, sorry," Chan mutters, quickly letting go of the door to rush over to the magazine section to act like he's interested in one and isn't there for nothing. He looks over the edge of one of the randomly grabbed magazines to stare through the window to see her rip open the packaging of what seems like a candy bag and pull out a lollipop to pop into her mouth. Her brows are furrowed into a scold and he can see her aggressively dump the rest of the candies into her pockets before throwing away the packaging in the trash can.
"Oh my!"
Chan looks up to see a mother pull her hands over the eyes of her daughter and quickly walks off to the next aisle.
When Chan looks down he blushes deeply and quickly puts back the randomly grabbed magazine, never ever so happy for his disguise of a black beanie and mask, with the knowledge he accidentally picked up a lewd magazine with a lady posing rather provocatively on the front. Just his luck...

— - —-~'~-— - —

Ploing, pling, plang. He giggles when he lets his finger brush over the different strings of the guitars in the shop. Most of them are out of tune with the heaps of customers trying them out and putting them back without bothering to tune them correctly. He knows, because Jooyean and Gaon have been nagging about it for over half an hour now.
The two youngsters had asked him to hang out and with a bit of free time in his schedule he agreed, so they ended up visiting the music store not that far away from their studio. Chan had already checked out the pedals section and browsed through the piano aisle, so now he is waiting for the juniors to gawk over the different guitars.
His attention brings him to the corner where he stays still and watches none other than the girl leaning against the counter, talking with the cashier of the shop.
"Can you please give me a deal or something?" he hears her plead with the man behind the counter.
"You know I can't, SeolSeol. If I do that for every musician in this city I can close my shop."
His smile tells Chan they're at least acquaintances or the girl is a regular of the shop. His guesses get confirmed when she clicks her tongue and shoves the roll of cable over the counter.
"But it broke in less than three weeks," she tries to coax him to no avail.
The cashier shoves the cable back to her with a smirk and leans a little in. Chan also leans a bit forward to hear him.
"Maybe don't play that hard," he replies. "Why not buy a cabless adapter?"
The girl groans and rummages through the pockets of her pants, clearly having lost her battle. She pulls out some crumpled money bills and slams them on the counter, satisfying the cashier who happily pushes in some buttons on the cash register.
"You know I can't afford that," she nags at him.
"Well, not my problem," he rebukes with a big smile, giving her the cable placed in a neat plastic bag. "Try to keep this one nice for at least a month, then we'll talk about that pay off option."
She rolls her eyes and Chan can't help but find it both cute and hot when she snatches the bag from his hands and tilts her head.
"You coming next Friday?" she asks and the cashier nods.
"Of course. Can't miss my favorite artist playing," he jokes while she walks away whilst flipping him off.
"It's a promise! See yah in Deeps!" she yells over her shoulder and the cashier waves her off.
"Hey, found something interesting?"
Chan shrieks when Jooyean places a hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah! No! Uhm, were you two done looking around?"

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