You remember the second year of your secret plan to bring her breakfast in bed. Seven year old you had just woken up to your alarm, changed, and slipped on your slippers. As you went to pull your door open, your mom went to open it from the other side. Shocked, she almost dropped the platter of food she was bringing you. You got angry and told her she ruined your surprise. You were grateful, but this was supposed to be your thing, you came up with it first. From then on, your mother reluctantly decided to let you do the surprising.

"He just doesn't like commitment, ya know?" Am'vera's voice broke you from your thoughts. "I just really like him and if he doesn't want something serious, I guess I'm okay with that for now."

Am'vera has been talking to this guy for months now. It started off as friends with benefits but she gained some feelings for him. "I don't understand what you see in that man," you muttered under your breath. "It seems like you aren't a first priority."

"I just don't know what to do. He's really–"

The sound of various sizes of ships entering the atmosphere interrupted your conversation. You looked over to your mother. "I thought we didn't have any scheduled landings today."

"We don't," the queen shouted over the deafening sound of the ships.

Quickly, the three of you walked up the rest of the path to the palace. There your father was waiting for you at the entrance. "What took you so long, and only for one bag of items."

"What's going on honey, who landed?" Your mother said to the king as you made your final steps up the large staircase. The hanger bay was to the right of the palace. A large platform made of concrete where the navy ships were settled. Many of the ships haven't flown in decades, where some were just recently built. Among the rows and rows of ships, you watched as the four unknown ships with the Resistance logo on the sides, landed in an empty space. The palace guards hurried out of the large doorway from behind your father. Some selected to stay and guard you and your family whereas the others ran down the steps to the landing pad.

You stared down at the ships watching a few people walk out from the blast door. There was a man, just a few years older than you, with dark hair. He was quite handsome. A woman stepped out next, she was older with gray streaks in her hair. She was wearing a gray dress with a cloak, you recognized her as Leia Organa. You knew her as the leader of the Resistance and one of your mothers old friends. A few more people walked out of the main ship with Organa. The guards escorted them up to the palace as your parents told you and Am'vera to go wait inside. You watched as your parents, Organa, and a few guards walked into the palace and then into the large meeting room to the right.

You don't know exactly what went on in that room but you knew it wasn't good. You stayed with Am'vera hiding in one of the side rooms trying to hear what was happening. Organa and the dark haired man suddenly came storming out of the room. "Well if they won't help us, then what are we going to do? We need more ships!" The man said.

"Poe, relax. I know what we need to do," Organa whispered to her companion.

You couldn't hear anything else as they made their way back to their group and down to the ships. Next, the guards and your parents came out of the meeting room. Your father rushed up the stairs towards his office. You immediately ran out of the room and up to your mother. "What happened? What did they want?"

"You don't need to worry yourself with this Bria. Let me and your father handle this," your mother stated as she placed her hand on your cheek. Am'vera came out of the side room and ran to your side asking the same questions. "They wanted us to join them in the war. Your father and I told them we are remaining neutral. They weren't very happy with that answer. Leia asked me the same question a decade ago and when I refused, she never talked to me again, until today. They are worried the First Order will destroy the planet just for our navy. But–"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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