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Hello Everyone! This is my second ever fan fiction that I'm trying. I wasn't happy with where my first one was going and wanted to try something new. I wrote Redemption during quarantine and didn't put a lot of research and care into the writing and it ended up not working out for me! I came up with this idea around that time as well and never did anything with it so a few years later I'm finally starting to write again! I am going to try and put more thought into the story and build up the world that I'm writing in. I'm really excited to start this new chapter of my writing!

I wanted to try a self insert but also wanted to design a pretty princess so this is what we are doing:

This is written in second person following the life of the Princess of Jemƶu, Malbria Lovett. Malbria has long golden hair that reflects the sun. She is tan and has striking violet eyes. She is thin and tall, but still shorter than Kylo Ren. I will have a few chapters that are from Kylo Ren's point of view as well, to keep it interesting.;)

I created the cover art and it is my first try at using a digital art program to create portraits so try to be nice!

I hope I continue with this story and actually finish it this time! Follow along with my progress and hopefully I will improve the longer I write. Enjoy and thank you to anyone who reads! :)

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away....


After years of thriving under the rule of Supreme Leader SNOKE and KYLO REN, the RESISTANCE gains the upper hand, having decimated the planet, Starkiller.

The power of the FIRST ORDER is being questioned over this victory. Several hundred solar systems have declared their intention to stop following the First Order.

The Resistance has been found. As the First Order speeds towards the rebel base, the brave heroes mount for another attack.

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