Ren smiled seeing that she was getting a back bone to deal with the situation at hand. "Now let's talk about the songs you wrote for Hijirikawa and I, what made you do what you had for those songs Reina?"

Reina smiled hearing his question. "Well before being able to sign on here, I never even knew who you guys all were. So those songs are how I felt when I first met and talked with the two of you one on one. Its the aura I saw come off of both of you."

"Well you captured Jinguji's essences rather well with what you wrote for him, even allowing him to show off what he can do with his instrument as well." Masato said with a smile

"I didn't do too bad with what I wrote for you did I?" Reina asked concerned looking at Masato

"Goodness no, I love that piece. It is one of my favorite to perform. I have to say I had no idea you were so musically talented as you are when you first came in through the doors." Masato said with a smile

"Well that's why you can't judge a book by it's cover."

"Now what about the cake you made for him? You spent hours on that didn't you?" Ren asked her

"Oh yeah, I got started on making that cake around ten and didn't get done with it till four in the morning. I want it to be just right for him." Reina said with a smile 

"Well that cake not only look amazing but it tasted good too, you did a rather good job with it." Masato said with a smile

"I'm glad that you approved of it. I had to ask Ichinose and Ittoki Senpai about what type of cake would be good enough for you to have for your birthday. I would have asked Jinguji senpai but it was when you two were busy on the twenty sixth and I wasn't about to go and bug him with you so close by." Reina said with a smile

"You were being rather sneaky with it weren't you?" Ren asked with a chuckle 

She nodded her head. "Mhm, I wanted it to be a surprise for him."

"What surprised me was what you got me, you've barely been here for a year and you knew exactly what to get me." Masato stated with a smile

"that's because I talked with Kurosaki and Camus Senpai about what to get you. I then went shopping with Mikaze, Kurusu and Natsuki Senpai." Reina explained

"I do believe now we should do questions, what do you think Reina?" Ren asked

She nodded her head. "Sure thing. Mind handing me my laptop please?"

He did and she placed it on her lap. "Let's see what questions are being asked today."

Question: How much of a skin-ship do you and Masato have?

Reina was silent for a moment before she looked at Masato "Do you want to answer this one or should I?"

"I can answer this one Reina." Masato said with a smile "Not much of one, Reina has a lot of trust issues when it comes to being around people, not to mention saying the words 'I love you' have never been spoken to her by anyone before. So the most that has happened between us has been us holding hands like this and I've kissed her cheek a few times. That's about it."

Reina was happy he didn't mention that their first kisses went to one another or the many times that he had ended up holding her in his arms. No one needed to know that. Reina then looked down at her laptop to get another question from the site.

Question: Will the three of you be shown around each other in the future?

Ren was the one who answered that question. "We don't know what the future holds for us, so we can't answer that one too well. But hopefully we will be able to be doing projects in the future that will be just the three of us." Ren said with a smile

Question: When is Kato Reina's birthday? It is known about everyone else's but her birthday hasn't been publicized.

Reina was silent after she read that question, both males knew why which made Ren chuckle "And you thought that people wouldn't want to know your birthday Reina." He said amused

"I honestly didn't think it mattered." Reina said before she gave Masato her laptop

Reina then got up and she erased part of what she wrote for the last day and wrote [December 31st-Last day/Reina's birthday]

"Tomorrow is my birthday, I know no one knows how old I am...and that's because no one has even asked me about my age or my birth date. Not to mention growing up where I had...well the two females I had to take care of made me feel like my birth date didn't matter only theirs did. So I don't really have any good memories of my birthday."

"How old will you be turning tomorrow Reina?" Ren asked curiously


"Which if people have been paying attention, only males you two days younger than Hijirikawa." Ren stated

Reina nodded her head. "Mhm."

"Let's answer one more question before continuing on." Masato stated

Reina sat back down and Masato read off the last question

Question: Has the trainee ever not gotten along with any of you from STARISH and QUARTET NIGHT?

Masato and Ren both looked at Reina "Did you want to answer this Reina?" Ren asked

"It's old hash, but I did have a bit of a disagreement with two males from STARISH.  Syo and Natsuki both were blind sided by Luna Kayla's looks to really hear how she sang. It wasn't until they heard her complaining about having to actually function as a human being that they realized that I wasn't dramatizing anything. That she is known for not knowing how to do simple things because she was literally spoon fed everything. I have sense then forgiven them for what they've done and said. But I cannot and will not forgive the ungrateful child or her cheating ungrateful mother for what they've forced me to go through." Reina explained calmly

Once she finished speaking she got up and she erased the first two things on the board, she then smiled at the camera. "The first trio song you all heard was one that I composed and written. This one, is one that the boys had composed with our composer Nanami Haruka. So please enjoy the song you are about to hear."

Once the music started Reina started them off with the song before Masato and Ren came into the song not long afterwards. The song not just showed the friendship she had with Ren, but the relationship she had with Masato. Once they finished the song they all bowed before Ren had erased the last two things before he turned the board over. He saw that what was already picked the last time were off of the board.

"Reina you had taken what was on the board before off didn't you?" Ren asked

"I had yes." Reina said with a nod of her head

"With there only being three games left on here. Why don't you pick the first game we play?"

Reina shook her head "I personally don't know any of these games, This is the first time I've ever had the chance to do something like this. The games I wrote down are games that Mikaze senpai said would be 'fun' to play. So it doesn't really matter to me."

[Complete] Restless mind, Empty heart [Masato Hijirikawa Love story]Where stories live. Discover now