Introduction & Disclaimer

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Below is basically the same profile for you as the first book with a few additions and alterations

Name: [Y/N] [L/N]

Birthday: [Y/B]

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: [Y/H]

Hair Color: [Y/H/C]

Eye Color: [Y/E/C]

You are able to create strings from your fingertips that are invisible to everyone else but you to control the actions of someone or something. These strings can be as sharp or as dull as you want them to be, and they can extend up to 100ft. The strings are very durable but, with little focus, they cannot be controlled easily. Your quirk requires much agility, steadiness, and calmness. The strings cannot be damaged or cut by normal sources such as scissors or knives. They can only be damaged by other quirks if the strength needed to cut them is calculated correctly
You are capable of inflicting any type of emotion or feeling upon target by saying a word that relates to that feeling and/or emotion. This quirk only works if you make eye contact with your opponent, and the effect wears off ten seconds after breaking eye contact. The only drawback of this quirk is that you cannot say the same word twice in a row
You are able to reverse the effects of someone else's quirk to the opposing effect by touching them. For example, if someone had a quirk that allowed them to explode things, by touching them, you'd gain the ability to implode things. If someone could freeze things, you'd be able to melt things.
You have the ability to emit several different types of gases form your body that vary in color and each have different effects. Red: inflicts inflammation/burning. Orange: causes fainting. Yellow: poison by inhalation. Green: blinds opponent for a certain extent of time depending on how much is released. Blue: causes external and internal swelling. Purple: allows you to take control of an opponent's will and control their actions. Pink: causes numbing.

Birthplace: Saitama Prefecture

Family: [Y/M] [L/N], [Y/F] [L/N]

[still no siblings. you're welcome]

Occupation: Student, Intern

Affiliation: U.A High School, Star and Stripes Agency

Fighting Style: Ranged Combat (mostly long-ranged)

Power: 5/5
Speed: 4/5
Technique: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5


Fingerless Gloves: since the strings leave through the tips of your fingers, you have to have them exposed in some way. However, half of the time, when your strings break, they can snap back at you, especially if they're latched onto something tightly, so you wear a pair of fingerless gloves to protect the rest of your hand from any minor injuries.

Goggles: you've trained yourself pretty well to keep your eyes on your opponent when you're using your quirk, and only look at your strings through your peripheral vision, but sometimes you have to look at them directly to better operate them, so you wear a pair of goggles with darkened lenses so that you're opponents cannot watch your eyes.

Jumpsuit: this new addition to your costume allows your body to breathe more and gives Toxin an easy release route. It has open patches on the shoulders, upper chest, and lower back so the gases you release can exit quickly and easily.

As of right now, updates will be once a week. This might change in the future to every other day like the previous book. It just depends on how quickly I write and edit, but you guys are patient, so I'm not worried about it.


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