"It depends if you remember what we talked about." Seungcheol chuckled.

"Yes!" Chan became serious imitating Seungcheol word for word. "Don't wander off too far! Stay where an adult can see you! Always check the surroundings or else you'll fall off a cliff again! Chanie will be good this time!"

"Alright! Don't take too long!" Seungcheol exclaimed watching Chan run away.

"Okay!" Chan yelled back.

"Careful now!" Seungcheol let out a sigh and fell back on the ground looking up at the clear blue sky.

"Haha! That's your grandson for you... Cheeky but he has the biggest heart. God, what did I do to deserve him?" He talked to his mother.

"If only I was like him when I was younger, then maybe you wouldn't have had such a hard time raising me... I know this is long overdue, but will you forgive me, Mom? When Dad walked away, I was so mad at you for not stopping him. I've always thought you were selfish for not letting me grow up with two parents."

"I could only imagine how hurt you must've been. And yet you did your best so that both of us could keep moving forward. You never took it out on me. Sorry, it took me all these years to realize that things like that simply happen and that you have no control over them. The same had to happen for me to fully understand that."

"You know, I was terrified when I first found out about Chan. I never had a father figure to learn from, how could I possibly take on such a huge responsibility? But now I've realized that I had you all this time. It doesn't matter if it was just the two of us back then, you were more than enough. If you were able to do it, maybe I can too... I'll try harder for Chan from now on so cheer me on, okay Mom?"

"Papa!" Chan popped and waved the pretty purple flowers in front of Seungcheol's face.

"Oh? That was fast." Seungcheol smiled sitting back up. "They're beautiful! Let's put them in the bouquet we bought."

"Papa, can we visit Grandma next time too?" Chan joined the flowers into the bouquet with Seungcheol's help.

"Of course, whenever you want, son." He smiled.



Tap! Tap!

"Guess who?" Jisoo sneaked up behind Seokmin who sat on a bench in the park and covered his eyes.

"Hm? The man I'm supposed to be on a date with whom I specifically told where my location is?" Seokmin chuckled gently taking hold of Jisoo's hands and pecking his fingers.

"Alright, smartass. You win." Jisoo retreated and leaned on the beach with a smile. "Sorry I'm late, I went to go check on Han."

"Oh? How is he?" Seokmin pulled Jisoo to beside him.

"Better. His foot was all bandaged up. A sprain is what he said." Jisoo looked at the ground.

"I see, that shouldn't take too long to heal. Was he with Cheol?" Seokmin looked at the sky.

"No, Cheol had to go somewhere with Chan..."


"What's with the tone? Still guilty about what happened in the forest?" Jisoo looked at Seokmin in worry.


"He accepted the apology, didn't he?"

"Yes, but it didn't feel right..." Seokmin looked back at Jisoo. "He may seem really easygoing and nonchalant, but you can never tell what goes on in his mind. He's a little more reserved than he lets on, y'know?"

"Hmm, maybe you can talk about it again when the timing is right?"

"Yeah, maybe when Mingyu is here. He handles Cheol so much better than me."

"Mingyu?" Jisoo asked at the familiar name.

"Remember the picture I showed you? Mingyu was there, he's one of the kids we grew up with."

"Oh yeah, I remember."

"Yeah, he's coming home this week."

"I wonder if we'll be able to meet him."

"I'm sure you will. He likes making his presence known." Seokmin chuckled tilting his head on Jisoo's shoulder.

"Just tell me if he's a nice fellow or not, I wanna know if I should avoid him when he gets here."

"Nice? Hmm... It depends on who you ask. Haha!" Seokmin laughed.

"Does he get bullied?"

"Nah... He is the bully."


Thank you so much for 5K+ Reads, 500+ Votes, 60+ Comments! ( >.< )

Sorry for the late update!

2 more Eps coming!


That is after I go play HOLI!!! YAY!!!


Apologies for any spelling mistakes or punctuation errors.




If you have a second, then please do ⭐️ Vote and Comment!

It truly means a lot to me. 😊


Word Count: 1401



Ask for permission before translating!



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