Uncertainty in Happiness and Death

Start from the beginning

Chloe said nothing; instead, she was looking at Max with an impatient expression and crossed arms.

"You ehh... saw me?" Max questioned quietly, despite the fact she wanted her first words to be more meaningful.

"I kinda did," Chloe let out, answering the obvious.

"So..." Max tensed her body, resisting the urge to rewind time again. Her lack of energy probably wouldn't allow it anyhow.
"Deep, meaningful speech about forgiveness, or me admitting I was an idiot?" Max reached out for a smile, but couldn't quite find it.

"It's not like that, Max," Chloe sighed.
"I know that you must have misunderstood something and so I should be inclined to forgive you, but the problem isn't that you freaked out... and destroyed my rather expensive phone," Chloe whispered out the last sentence.
"I downright told you that I hadn't been texting anyone, but you jumped to conclusions right away"

"I know," Max let out, barely giving Chloe enough time to finish the sentence.
"But I know why I saw those messages on your phone... or I have an idea of why"

Chloe let her arms fall down her side as she looked at something behind Max.
"There is not a doubt in my mind that you honestly thought those were new messages and I get that, I do, but you didn't even try to let me figure out what you were talking about at that point. Is that how little trust you have in me?" Chloe adverted her eyes from the unknown interest and looked down while gently swaying her arms.

"No," Max said confidently while trying to get Chloe's attention.
"You are the first and only person I have told about my powers. You were the only one I trusted enough. It's because of that, I let me emotions take over when I thought that my trust was misplaced. I thought I had misjudged you, which made me so angry with myself. I just thought... if I couldn't trust you, then I wouldn't be able to trust anyone," Max kept her focus on Chloe, seeing her eyes looking back at Max, with a tot of hair hanging down from her forehead.

"Come in," Chloe said after a short pause as she stepped to the side.

"Are you sure?" Max questioned, even though she felt anxious about pushing her luck.

"Yeah," Chloe stretched the word.
"I hate talking about feelings and shit," she let out just before Max walked through the doorway and inside the house.

"I don't get how you can hate it that much, but still be so good at it," Max said, not sure if Chloe had averted into the joking mood just yet.

"Dude, when it's necessary, I can shoot out feeling bullets with deadly precision. Pew pew," Chloe said with a relaxed tone of voice while closing the door.

She seemed to have come around.

Max was actually somewhat baffled at how easy it was. Maybe Chloe was just that laid-back. Maybe she said exactly the right things. Whatever the reason, Max felt at ease when she automatically had begun walking up the stairs to Chloe's room.

"Hungry?" Chloe asked a few steps behind Max.

Max instantly stopped walking and looked back at the blue-haired girl.
"What?" she let out with a startled voice.

Chloe looked confused at Max.
"Joking. Like... last time you were here," she said with a raised eyebrow.

"Holy shit Chloe. Don't joke with such things. I seriously just thought I actually relived an old memory," Max let out a breath and loosened up her body.

"That's called Deja-vu," Chloe said, over-impersonation a random French dude.

"No. That's called 'time is seriously fucking with me at the moment'" Max returned her focus on walking up the stairs, still with Chloe a few steps behind her.

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