The tour guide he had offered to be turned into an accidental accomplice to indulgence, leading them not through the Golden Hour's wonders, but straight to the brink of intoxication. She had expected mere hydration, an act to ground himself in this dream turned reality, not a reckless dive into the strongest concoction the menu boasted.

The shock etched on the faces of onlookers as Caelus downed the potent drink was mirrored in Acheron's own wide eyes. She couldn't quite grasp the colloquial reactions, 'he had the balls to do so,' a phrase laden with undertones she deemed better left unexplored.

Yet, amidst the unfolding chaos, she found solace. The respite from her cycle of hunt, clash, and survival brought an unusual calm to her storm. A rhythmic tapping of her armored glove against the glass created a melody only she seemed to hear—a soundtrack to her introspection.

Her life's repetition—hunt, kill, swords, repeat—had been recently punctuated by an encounter with one claiming to be the "Memokeeper." The terror she inspired in the woman puzzled Acheron. She couldn't be that frightening, could she?

Her musings were interrupted by the bartender's amused observation of Caelus' graceless figure. Offering an apologetic tilt of her head, she addressed the bartender with a grace befitting her armored elegance. "I'm sorry for my... attendant. It's his first time experiencing such a drink."

Laughter rippled from the bartender, his movements fluid and practiced as he cleared the remnants of Caelus' misadventure. "It is quite alright, young one. Youths these days should revel in the vigor of their age—don't apologize, instead, revel in your moments of joy."

Acheron understood, but her duty, her cause, left little room for such indulgences. Noting her silence, the bartender offered a knowing look, one that spoke volumes. "My friend, while dedicating oneself to a cause is noble, neglect not the self. For if you lose yourself along your path, no rescue may bring you back."

His words, unexpected yet profound, halted Acheron's breath. The bartender's insights into her soul were unsettling in their accuracy. "I..." she began, only to be gently interrupted.

"I see the way you regard the lad on the floor. There's care in your gaze," the bartender continued, prompting Acheron to mask her surprise behind her sleeve.

"If he knew of your burdens, he would undoubtedly strive to divert you from them. And should you resist, the toll on both of you would be great—sadness, betrayal, perhaps even self-directed hatred."

These revelations cast a shadow of recognition within Acheron, echoing sentiments she had wrestled with in solitude. Yet here they were, articulated by a stranger with uncanny perception.

"Young one, allow yourself this chance. Your eyes, they ignite with life in his company. Maybe, just maybe, he is the key to more than you allow yourself to seek."

Caelus' stirring from his stupor interrupted their exchange, his voice groggy yet free from the expected torments of overindulgence. "Ergh... what happened? I remember a reflection, then... darkness."

The bartender's hearty laugh filled the air, warming it with a sense of camaraderie and understanding. "You're doing just fine, lad. Have some water, it's on the house."

Caelus, still processing the turn of events, accepted the glass with gratitude. "Thanks. Guess we got carried away, huh?"

The bartender nodded with a knowing smile, his attention returning to the other patrons. "Whatever your journey, make sure to enjoy it. You'll both need the respite."

Acheron sat, contemplative, as Caelus regained his composure. The bartender's words lingered in her thoughts, but the concern in Caelus' eyes brought her back. "Are you good? I hope my company hasn't bored you," he inquired gently.

"No, not at all," Acheron quickly assured, dismissing any fault on his part. "I was merely pondering our next endeavor."

Caelus, with a wisdom belied by his recent follies, chose not to pry. Everyone had their reasons for journeying into the dreamscape, their secrets. Whatever Acheron's were, they surely bore weight.

"Shall we continue, then?" Caelus asked, extending a hand to help her up from the bar stool.

Acheron nodded, the prior moments of philosophical exchange now a backdrop to the new chapter they were about to write together—one of exploration and possibly, understanding beyond the depths of the dreamscape they wandered.


In the embrace of the Golden Hour's grandiosity, Caelus and Acheron navigated a corridor of dreams, their path illuminated by the soft celestial glow from the towering, vaulted ceilings. The ambiance was a harmonious blend of majesty and fantasy, with sparkling comet-like chandeliers casting prismatic reflections across the polished marble underfoot. Surrounding them, holographic banners and neon advertisements promised the ecstasies of other realms, their vibrant allure beckoning to all dream wanderers within Penacony.

Nearby, the iridescent gaze of a massive, holographic eye watched over the promenade, adding a sense of omniscience to the spectacle. Beneath this surreal sentry, a slumbering bear fashioned from stars sprawled atop its display, a charming icon of the dreamscape's innocent delights.

It was against this backdrop of whimsy and awe that they encountered her—a silhouette shrouded in the mystique of twilight. The woman seemed woven from the dreamscape, her dress a tapestry of night's deepest mysteries. The fabric, a rhapsody of purple and night, flowed about her like the gentle tide of an otherworldly sea, with accents that glimmered softly, reminiscent of distant stars.

"Oh, my," escaped from Caelus in a hushed tone, admiration evident in his voice as he regarded her sartorial elegance. His gaze lingered appreciatively on the artistry of her attire, each fold and drape a tale woven in the loom of dreams.

At his side, Acheron's expression shifted subtly—a fleeting shadow of discontent that vanished as quickly as it appeared. Though she allowed Caelus his reverie, her own heart was aflutter with unfamiliar emotions, spurred by the poignant advice of a wise bartender.

The woman's approach was a dance of grace and poise, each step a silent verse of the enigmatic epic she embodied.

Observing Acheron's guarded demeanor, her eyes sparkled, alight with mirth and curiosity. It was as though she saw through Acheron's stoic facade to the genuine sentiment lurking beneath. "Ease your worries; I'm simply a fellow wanderer in this grand dreamscape," she remarked casually, her deft fingers manipulating a pair of cards with such sleight that it bordered on artful magic.

Caelus, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected encounter, collected himself with a firm slap to the cheek—a physical echo to steady his wits. This act drew a melodic laugh from the stranger, a sound that seemed to cleanse the air and infuse a tranquil energy into the surroundings. "Umm, sorry. But who are you?" Caelus's question was sincere, a blend of courtesy and intrigue tugging at his tone.

Her laughter gave way to a serene smile, and she introduced herself with a flourish that seemed to punctuate the dreamlike quality of the moment. "My dreams foretold our paths crossing, and behold, reality mirrors my visions. You can refer to me as Black Swan, and it's truly a delight to encounter you, Trailblazer."

End of Chapter

A/N: Hello everyone, another Saturday brings another chapter. I hope you all enjoy this one. If you do, I want to express my gratitude for taking the time to read both this chapter and this author's note. That's all from me for now - enjoy your reading and stay safe!

Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)Where stories live. Discover now