Rules and Payments

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1.  Be kind to all participants and readers.  I don't condone bullying, and I will not tolerate it in this awards.  Also do not leave mean comments on others works, constructive criticism is fine but hate is unacceptable.
2.  No bribery.  This was talked about in the intro chapter.  No trading votes and no bribery.  If I find out you are doing this you will be disqualified.  If someone tries to bribe you let me know ASAP.
3.  Do not vote for yourself.  You may vote for someone in your category but not yourself. 
4. You may only vote for one story per category. 
5.  You can enter as many books as you want in each category.  If you have 3 fantasy books you can enter them all into fantasy.  Or 3 teen fiction and 1 comedy, you can enter all those in their respective categories as well.
6. Their will be no judges for this awards just readers that vote.

1. You must follow me Elainetowne for the duration of this awards, from the account your story/stories are on.
2.  Add this book to your public and private reading list.
3.  Share this book on your message board.
4. Tag 3 people you think would be interested in this awards in your form.

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