The First Egg

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Every woman's first egg is the hardest.

Somewhere between 15 and 21, a woman has her practice egg. An unfertilized egg developed in their womb, the successful birth of it demonstrates the woman's fertility and strength. Of course it demonstrates that because of it's challenging delivery. 

"Mari?" Diane called, hearing her daughter vomiting into the toilet. "I'm going to call Doctor Gibbon." She told her, already understanding the situation. As for the girl she kneeled  In front of the toilet as extreme nausea passed over her. Her abdomen was tight, as if it was forcing her breakfast back up. 

Within the hour Dr. Gibbon arrived to the home of the mother and daughter. She instructed Mari to lay back on the couch and pull her shirt above her stomach. "Mari, i'm going to press down on your belly. Try not to move." She said, Mari nodded. Dr. Gibbon placed her hands on the teens exposed belly and pressed down on either side of her belly button. Mari's back arched as she experienced intense pressure as the doctor felt her. After a minute she looked up to the mother and daughter. "It's definitely an egg." She sighed, "Most likely it began to develop this morning."

"How soon until you think the delivery will start?" The mother quickly countered. 

Doctor Gibbon said, "In a few days, or a few weeks. I am worried though, Mari you're very small. Barely five feet. Your pelvic bones are small too. I think the delivery will be long. The egg will keep growing. When your pains start give me a call immediately." She told the terrified teen.

Mari looked to her mother for support, "You'll be okay." She comforted her. 

Like doctor Gibbon said, over the next six days the egg grew exponentially. A bump on the teens belly was very noticeable, as it hung out in front of her. She hadn't gone to school since she found out. Just in case it started, and to avoid the prying eyes. One evening as she and her mother were washing their dinner plates she doubled over in pain as her labor began. 

Doctor Gibbon was quickly called, as soon as the doctor walked through the door she heard the unmistakable sound of a first egg, "AHHHHHHHHHHH!" This scream came from Mari as she waited in the bed made up for her. Doctor Gibbon dragged her large bag of supplies up the stairs. Upon reaching the girl, the doctor slid off Mari's underwear and looked at her lower region. 

"I don't see the egg yet." She said, "You're good to start pushing." 

Mari immediately began to push out the egg, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The egg didn't move. She tried again, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" It moved a little bit. The feeling of the egg, at least five inches wide passing through her organ barely the size of a quarter was the most excruciating pain the fifteen year old had ever felt. For most women, it was the worst pain they would ever experience in their lives. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!"

"Push Mari!"


This process was repeated for hours. Mari's face was red and glistening in sweat and tears. "I can't" She cried. "I'm so tired." Her body had grown weak and her pushes we're barley strong. "I need a break." She said in-between empty breaths.

The doctor looked to her, "We're nine hours in." She said, "The average delivery takes thirteen hours. You are almost done. Take a deep breath and push."

Diane held her daughters hand as Mari began another round of pushing. "AHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHHHH-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" She felt the egg sliding down her birth canal, after another few hours of pushing she gave a huge push, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" And the egg finally began to touch her entrance.

"I can see it!" Doctor Gibbons exclaimed. "Almost there keep pushing." 

Mari groaned and began to push, "AHHHHHHHHHHH-" 

"STOP!" The doctor shouted, Mari quickly ended her pushing.

"What?" The mother asked. 

Even Doctor Gibbons looked confused, "I've never seen this before, Mari your egg is backwards."

"What does that mean?" Mari stuttered, working through the pain.

The doctor sighed, "it means, this is going to take longer then we thought. Push again." 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH" The egg began to push through the hole, Mari screamed louder, when she finished pushing the egg slid right back into her. "AHHHHHHHHHHH" the skin of her opening burned as she pushed again. But the egg slid back in. 

Mari tried this for the next three hours, eventually she was really, too tired. Her pushing was weak and the egg barely even started to move back out. She began to sob, "I can't I can't" she said. 

"We need you to rest then restart." Doctor Gibbons said, pulling a mask from one of her bags. "The pain will be too much for you to fall asleep on your own,  but you need some rest. This mask will go over your nose and mouth and help you fall asleep." The doctor began to fasten it around Mari's face,  "The Egg can't come out when you are asleep. Do not worry." It didn't take long for Mari to fall asleep.

This was only a short break in the pain. Eight hours later she awoke, and was imideatly engulfed back in pain, "AHHHHHHHHH"She quickly began to push again, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH" The egg once again came out some, then fell back in. An ever repeating process. 

This went on for four days, six hours pushing, six hours asleep. On the final day Mari was ready to give up, "Push Mari, push." Doctor Gibbons said. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." She screamed the pain only getting more and more worse. This time she wasn't going to try again. Her vision blurred, but she kept pushing, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHH." The egg slowly pushed through her opening. "AHHHHHHHHHHH" Stretching her farther then she ever had been before. And finally with another push and agonizing pain the egg came out. "AHHHHHHHHHH!" 

Mari breathed a heavy sigh of relief. She had had her first egg. 

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