Deal (last chapter)

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I open the bathroom door and walk out. I look down the hall way and see that Sonic light was on. it like 11:34 how is he still awake. I walk infront of his room

Shadow: Sonic are you ok?

nothing. I started getting a little worried. I open the door and found no one.

Shadow: Sonic?!?

I went downstair and found Emma sitting on the couch

Shadow: Emma where Sonic

Emma: he left

I turn off the TV

Shadow: he what!

Emma: yea he took your money and he left

Shadow: Where?

Emma: to Tails

I ran to the phone and dial his number

Tails: hello

Shadow: Tails is Sonic with you

Tails: im sorry no he not why

I hang up and look at Emma with a evil look

Emma: what

Shadow: I will kill you how could you let him leave you knew he wasn't suppose to leave he in danger

Emma: sorry I didn't know

Shadow: great im related to a maroon

Emma: maybe he ran off because he couldn't take you anymore

Shadow: what you mean he care about me

Emma: come on Shadow u act like nothing happen

Shadow: so


I was getting real piss that my eyes were flaming red


there was a long silent.

Shadow: Maria

out of know where he ran to me and hug me. and he was crying

Emma: are you crying???

Shadow: I cant take it anymore I really really care about her and I never gotten to see her

I hugged him back

Emma: it alright I know how you feel

Shadow: really?

Emma: ya I lost three family member Maria Prof. G and Ibils

I let go of him

Emma: but right now we have to get Sonic back.

Shadow: alright let me get my stuff

he ran upstair and said

Shadow: Emma thx you for being there when I needed you

I smile

Emma: that what sister are for

and he went up stair. I went to the exit

???: hello Emma

Emma: what you want

???: were just checking if the deal still going

Emma: ya it is

I walked right past them

Emma: im hoping your keeping your deal

???: ah yes yes the soul right here

he show me the soul.

Emma: And Sonic

???: wondering on earth

Emma: keep him safe make sure he get what he want ill deal with my brother

???: yes master

and they disappear

Shadow: are you ready

Emma: yea let go

let the adventure BEGIN 

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