N's First Friend!

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"N has made friends with rocks by the way."


It wasn't long after N, V, and J, had first set foot on Copper-9 that N had begun to feel lonely. J never really had the time to talk to him, her mind was so focused on her mission and keeping up with their quotas. Even if she did have the time, N knew for sure that she would use it to berate him and scold him for his poor performance.

There was also V, but every time he would get an opportunity to speak with her, she'd fly off before he even said a word. It hurt him a little, especially since it kinda maybe seemed like she was doing it on purpose..? Still she was the most effective drones in their little squad. She didn't need a useless drone like him slowing her down...

But that aside, today was the day that N decided that he would get out there and make his team proud! He was going to work his butt off and get closer to the team, it was his very simple two step master plan to making friends.

So as soon as he woke up, he dropped from the wire he was hanging from and looked around. He grinned when he noticed that his teammates were still in rest mode he was actually early this time! He could get a head start.

He quickly went outside before pulling out his wings, the blades slicing through the air, before he took off into the sky with a loud boom, one that shook the buildings and ground around him and consequently woke the two female drones up from their sleep mode. He didn't do it on purpose, he was just excited to go through with his plan.

"What is that idiot thinking?! Making such a ruckus..." J murmured, a scowl on her face as she quickly stabilized herself so she wouldn't plummet from the wire she was hanging from. "Why's he even up this early?" He usually woke up around the time the other two did.

"What idiot?" V asked with a yawn as she tiredly rubbed her eyes, or at least rubbed where they were. She also didn't make any effort to stop herself from swaying back and forth. "Don't worry about it, it was probably a building collapsing or something." V said nonchalantly as she closed her eyes and went back into sleep mode. Her body was still lightly swaying.

J just gave her an annoyed expression as she watched her go back into sleep mode. Still, in J's mind it was the right call to just sleep. They needed a certain amount of rest to make sure they were in tip top condition for hunting.

If that idiot wanted to be stupid and go off on his own like that, then so be it, but J would make sure to reprimand him severely for it. She closed her eyes as she slipped back into sleep mode, choosing not to stress over it at this moment.

N on the other hand was very happily patrolling their territory from the sky. He would land frequently to search on foot for any drones that were hiding. At this point the drones had settled into colonies but there were still stragglers that couldn't get in for whatever reason, or 'brave' idiots who came looking for a fight.

He patrolled all over that day within the territory they had control over and even along the outer rim of it when he was desperate for a higher body count. He did find workers but it wasn't an outrageous amount of drones well not by J's standards. Actually to her it would be pitiful.

It was getting late now. He had to head back to the spire within the next hour before the sun came up and he started frying alive. He let out a sigh as his visor lit up with a worried expression. His plan failed. He just didn't have the predatory instinct that V did, which was ironic considering he was built to kill.

He had thirty minutes left, but that wouldn't be enough to get what the number of drones he needed. He landed at what used to be a park for a moment to try and relax before he came back home to get scolded by J. He sat down beneath a dead tree and looked to the ground with a downtrodden expression. "What a complete fail..." He muttered before tucking into a fetal position to comfort himself.

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