°˖✧˚ʚ Seven ɞ˚✧˖°

Start from the beginning

"Why? If that isn't his name, why do you call him that?"

"I- don't know. It was something I read in his file you gave me, it was a childhood nickname." Izuku thought to himself, which only made Inko more suspicious. She continued to fly up into the air until she had finally reached Recovery Girl's office.

"Another wound, I bet?" Recovery Girl asked.

Inko nodded quietly as she placed Izuku from her shoulder to the bed next to the wall. Recovery Girl approached the male's stabbed wing and inspected it, also looking disappointed. Izuku's accomplishment with Katsuki didn't feel so great anymore. After checking for a while, she went into her drawer and pulled a small bottle along with some candy and handed both to him.

"Drink the green bottle first, then reward yourself with some Smarties. Your wound is going to take a lot of rest and time to heal. Most likely it'll be daytime when it's done healing." Recovery Girl instructed before taking Inko into another room behind curtains.

I don't know what to think anymore. What was she trying to do? Was that girl trying to kill me? Why else would she tell me her name, bad people don't usually do that because they don't want their covers blown. But even so, why was she after me? Was it because I was the only one out there? I don't remember Mom telling me anything about Stalkers who go randomly on killing sprees. Izuku looked down at his liquid medication and swirled it around before pouring it into his mouth. It takes like nothing since it didn't need to have a taste, but after a while, the curly haired male spit some of it out accidentally like there was something bad in it, Kacchan. Is it because of Kacchan? Is it because I have a Client?

Izuku's panic started to unravel as he overheard Inko and Recovery Girl distantly discussing something in the next room.

"It was a Stalker attack. Just one, a female, but I don't think it was an accident that they met up there." Inko explained.

"So if the boy was coming from his Client, then did she possibly see the location of where the human lives?" Recovery Girl asked.

"I don't believe so. All I know is that his name is Katsuki Bakugo, but I got that information from Izuku."

"Good, if the location was never found, then it won't be fatal for the Client."

"What won't be?!" Izuku couldn't hold back as he practically tore apart the curtains to get to his mother and Recovery Girl.

"Izuku, calm down." Inko tried to soothe, but the male wouldn't let his brain drift anywhere else.

"What won't be?" Izuku repeated softly the second time.

Inko sighed deeply and made her son sit back down on the bed, keeping her hands on his shoulders.

"Honey, you already know about this. You already know what happens when a Stalker gets to a Client. We believe that the same happened to another Guardian that lost her Client."

"You mean the Guardian who died?" Izuku looked up at Inko with white pupils of fear.

"We think so. I need you to listen to me, Izuku. I know this job requires you to go down to Earth and help your Client, but now you need to be extra careful since you may be a target. Any chance those demons can get, they'll take. If they take over your Client's body, it may result in both his and your death."

Death... A gruesome image flashed in his mind as he imagined Katsuki dead in any way possible. By a rock, falling off a roof, or being stabbed by a Stalker who didn't think he deserved life. Then right along with him, himself, being taken like the woman who lost her Client, screaming and shouting that he didn't want to die. He could only imagine what lay in store for him. If there was one thing he did know however, it was that he was extremely afraid of death.

"It's been the first time in a long time that the Stalkers showed their face and attacked a Guardian with a Client, so it must mean that they're back to their ways of killing those who are stronger than them." Recovery Girl informed them, knowing that she's been around long before either of the greenette angels.

"No, they're getting smarter. They have to be. That girl knew to attack Izuku because they were around the same age, despite the power range or species. We need to alert the other Guardians who have Clients as well, this could be bigger than we think."

After Inko and Recovery Girl had left once again to talk, Izuku looked at his hand, remembering it touching Katsuki. His heart felt it was swelling with each beat it made, in fact, he couldn't realize that his golden rays were shining brighter than ever before until a spark flew in a circular motion around him and his hair floated up from his head. He didn't know what he was feeling but it felt good. However, it weared off as fast as it came, knowing it would get attention from his mother.

What was that? What did I just feel? Should I tell Mom? No, if she didn't tell me about it, it's probably not something I should be feeling. But I want more of it, whatever it was. Izuku thought as he turned on his side, being prepared to sleep, not before smiling to himself and letting the feeling circle him again, and not letting it go before his mother could see it.

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