skeletons and laker girls

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song #2: heads will roll by the yeah yeah yeahs

I walked to my locker, opening it so I could grab a book for history. When I closed it, Yasmine was leaning on the other side.

"Can I help you?" I said.

"Just because Moon felt bad for you and invited you to Sam's party doesn't mean you're a part of our group now. Let's make that clear," she said.

I raised an eyebrow, not understanding why she thought I'd wanna be in their group in the first place, "OK?"

Yasmine scoffed and walked the other way. 

At lunch, I sat down with Miguel and my only two friends in the school, Demetri and Eli. Well, the only two people I tolerated in the school. Eli was a sweet kid, but he was a man of few words, and he was deeply insecure, but I was determined to help fix that. And Demetri? Well, he's a good kid, but sometimes when he talks you just have to zone out because he never stops. 

I sighed as Counselor Blatt tried to get our attention about cyberbullying. Not so subtly, she called out Eli.

"I'm not gonna name names, but the other day, a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Eli slowly covered his mouth, causing me to shake my head, "I can't believe she actually thinks this shit works and that we're going to listen to her."

"You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, my dojo's looking for new recruits," Miguel said.

Demetri scoffed, "Yea, right. You hear that, Eli? A little karate training, and you're gonna learn how to kick some ass."

"I'm surprised you're still doing it," I said to Miguel, "And that my dad hasn't given you like permanent brain damage yet."

"Why don't you join?" Miguel said, "You're his daughter. You have no good reason not to."

"Because I really don't want to," I snapped, "That a good enough reason for you?"

Counselor Blatt shifted to the topic of "Culturally sensitive" and "appropriate" costumes.

"Yea, fuck that," I said, "I'm still going as Katherine Pierce."

I had the whole thing planned out. Red lipstick, a black sleeveless dress, and a carnival mask. And a lot of eye makeup. 


My dad drove both Miguel and me to the dance after my dad found a more suitable costume for Miguel. It was a skeleton, but it was much better considering what he had before. 

"Thanks for driving, Dad!" I said before getting out of the car.

"Wait!" he said, "Mylah, before you go, can you just hang a few of these up?"

He handed me a bunch of Cobra Kai flyers. 

"Do I have to?"

"Come on. Help your old man out," he said, "It's the least you can do if you're not gonna join."

I sighed, "OK. Fine."

"Thank you," he said, "I like the costume, by the way. Just make good choices, ok?"

I smiled and nodded softly before running in. After hanging up a few flyers, I went into the gym. 

"Mylah!" Miguel said, flagging me down. 

"Hey guys," I said, "I'll be right back. I'm just gonna get some punch."

I walked over to the punch bowl, filled my cup, and turned around twice before slowly taking my flask out and putting some vodka in. 

"Nice costume!"

I turned around and Moon was right next to me.

"Oh, hey!" I said, "Lemme guess. Lakers girl?"

She smiled, "You got it! Katherine Pierce?"

I nodded, looking over as the boys left the gym.

"Hey, um, I've been meaning to ask you," Moon said, "Would you like to hang out sometime? It's been way too long."

I raised my eyebrow, expecting her to laugh, or for her smile to falter, but it didn't.


"Well, I miss you, and I feel bad for how things ended between us," she said, "I just wanna start over, and I'm sorry about Yasmine."

I looked over at Yasmine, who gave me the dirtiest look, and back at Moon, "If you tell Yasmine to lay off, then yes. I'd love that."


About ten or fifteen minutes passed, and I'd just finished washing my hands when I got a text from my dad.

 Come outside right now. Miguel and I are in the car.

Unsure what that was about, I dried my hands off and went outside. As I got in the front seat, I noticed Miguel was sprawled over the backseat, and I started to get worried. 

"What happened?"

"A couple of kids jumped him in the locker room. Same kids whose asses I kicked at the mini-mart."

As we drove home, and Johnny had to bring Miguel back to his mom, who was freaked out, I put two in two together. I remembered Kyler's face, and his boys also had a few bruises. It must've been them.

After getting yelled at by Miguel's mom that she never wanted my dad to go near him again for what felt like hours, my dad and I sat on the couch, staring aimlessly at the TV. 

"So, what now?" I said.

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