met a new friend

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Kickinchicken was out today, he was at the park playing, he was playing by himself today, he was skate boarding' he made his way to the park made for it'

Wow that is a big ramp, he said looking at at the biggest ramp'

He saw others critters doing tricks on the ramp' he decided he'd do that one last,

After a long time he was on to of the ramp trying to get ready to go down it on his skate board' some of the others were teasing him,

I am not a baby am not a baby he told himself,
Aw is the baby gonna cry, he said mocking KC,
Am not a cry baby!' he says now getting ready to go down,
Then go already! He says pushing him down the ramp

(Y/n' pov)
I hear something someone screaming like in pain I decide to see what happened me being curious' I walked to the area I heard the screaming, that has now settled to whimpering' I turned the corner to see a chicken critter crying and three other critter panicking, I walked to them and went up to them deciding to help sense they don't look like friends to the chicken on how they are saying sorry and seem like they are deciding to run off or not'

Hello, what happened to him? I ask them,³
Ummm we um' we accidentally hurt him when we pushed him of the ramp,
Why would you push him off the highest ramp like that,
I wasn't thinking I was just being a jerk....,
Can you guys help me really hurts' he says trying not to cry rapidly'

We look at him realizing that when he fell his skate board broke and a piece is in his right leg' he is still crying and whimpering,

~"We have to leave"~ says the three critters'

You can't just leave him after you hurt him'
It's not our problem if we leave so bye~'
Ya we don't wanna get in trouble so ya bye,

The three leave not turning back to rethink their choice once'

Am y/n what's your name I ask the chicken,
Am Kickinchicken~' he says sadly,
Am gonna help you' I say coming to help him,
Thx y/n'

Y/n helped Kickinchicken to a clinic to get his leg fixed'

Thx for helping me even tho we just met'
No problem' I say smiling,
Do you wanna be friends?
I would love to!' I say excited,
Yay I am excited to introduce you to my other friends' he says happily,

Later we are at my favorite fast food place' I insisted he didn't have to repay me' but he wanted to make up for me for taking the time to help him,

Was I a being a baby back there?' He ask me while eating his food,
No silly I would have been crying to'
It's just that I am ment to be the brave one~ I was even scared to to do the ramp in the first place' if I had just gone down the ramp I wouldn't have got hurt, he says looking at his bandaged leg'
Everyone gets scared sometimes every one in a while, even when they are brave' and those critters were being jerks'
Ya you're right y/n' thx~'
Your welcome,

Later Kickinchicken was at his home getting ready for bed he was happy he made a new friend and he was excited to introduce y/n to the others, he went in his bed and went to sleep...

The end' to be continued

(Thx for reading this)

kicking for love (Kickin Chicken × Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora