Chapter 5: Part 2

Start from the beginning

(Just imagine that there is jewellery instead of books on the shelves)

They roamed the entire area, finding pieces that they loved. Atalie selected a lovely bracelet with Elven design and a sapphire like stone between it. "What do you think?" She asked the girls.

 "What do you think?" She asked the girls

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"It looks beautiful on you. You should buy it, wear it all the time." Astrid suggested.

"Honestly? I'd love to but I don't think that I can afford it." Atalie admitted.

"Nonsense! You are new here right? Take it as a present from me, a welcome present." Astrid insisted that Atalie take the bracelet so reluctantly she agreed.

"Hey! What about the rest of us?" Odette complained.

"As far as I am aware, you did not just leave your house and got thrust into a world that was akin to Chinese to you. Also you have a black card with which you can pay. So you are paying." Astrid's tone was no-nonsense. Odette grumbled but agreed to pay.

The girls shopped around for a little while longer, selecting a schoolbag and few clothes for Atalie as she hadn't gotten the time to properly pack a bag to come here. The others too shopped around for whatever caught their eye. After paying for their purchases and saying goodbye to Astrid with the promise to visit again, the three friends went to The Bookstore a coffee house nearby which – according to Sophia – sold the most amazing coffee.

The girls entered the coffee shop and made a beeline for the counter where Odette ordered a Latte, Sophia ordered a Caramel Macchiato and Atalie ordered a Caramel Frappuccino. The barista quickly prepared their orders and handed it to them. As the crowd was less today the girl got their orders very quickly. As the three of them made their way to a seat, a guy suddenly crashed into Odette who spilled her coffee all over the floor.

"Watch where you are going will you?" She nearly shouted, enraged at the fact that she lost her beloved coffee.

"You watch where you're going. You saw that I was busy right? Then why couldn't you avoid me?" The guy shouted back.

"Hello! Ever heard of common decency? Besides, who told you to walk with your head pressed in you phone, huh? You crashed into me, made me drop my coffee and now you are yelling at me?"

Odette's loud volume had drawn the attention of the people in the coffee shop. Suddenly a guy came to stand beside the perpetrator of the heinous crime whom Odette was determined to hang.

"What's going on here?" The other guy spoke. His voice was gentle, quiet and deep. He also spoke softly, politeness dripping from every word. But this angelic voice was gonna have no effect on Odette. "Your friend crashed into me and made me drop my coffee."

"Is that so?" When the girls nodded, he continued, "I truly am sorry for my friend's behaviour. To make it up to you, he will buy you and your friends another round of coffee."

"I will?"

"He will?" The girls and that guy chorused together.

"Yes you will Max. If you don't want me to tell your mom about this then you will." His tone made it clear that the threat was pretty real. The mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like 'Drama Queen' before he left to put in the order.

Atalie took this moment to observe both guys. The guy Max, he was tall with some lean muscles. A sharp chin, blue eyes and a pouty baby expression gave him teddy bear vibes. On the other hand the other guy was black haired and green eyed. His body too was in top condition, juding from the athletic build his body sported. Atalie had to admit that both boys were pretty cute.

"Hi! I'm Lucian McKnight." The guy said as an introduction breaking Atalie out of reverie. The girls introduced themselves one by one before Sophia said, "Wait aren't you the same Lucian McKnight who caused professor Jim to resign?"

"You did what?" Atalie exclaimed.

"I knew that incident would haunt me for the rest of school years. But in my defense, the guy was wrong and besides it's not my fault that he went and tattled to the Dean who in the end fired him." Lucian defended himself suddenly feeling embarassed.

She stared at him and he hurriedly changed the subject. "So since you girls know of this incident means that you are students of Vox Nevestra too?"

"Yep! First years. Except for her though, she is new here." Odette said pointing to Atalie.

"Really? Welcome to the mage world Atalie!" Lucian wished warmly. She smiled, a little shy. The guy Max came back with the coffee then and thrust the tray in Odette's hand.

"Here's your order. Now can we please go Lucian?" He asked, tired of this place.

"Yes we can" He said. "See you girls around!" He waved as he and Max exited the shop. The girls grabbed seats and enjoyed their coffee over gossip and funny stories.

By the time Atalie got back to the Academy, it was afternoon. She decided to freshen up and head to lunch. As she was splashing water on her face, she suddenly stilled. There in front of her was the black shadow which had shown up in her parents' bathroom. She blinked and was about to call for help when she realised that the shadow was gone.

Was it really there? Or was it just a hallucination?


This is Lucian McKnight.

This is Lucian McKnight

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This is Max.

Here's the next update guys. Also what do you think, was the shadow real? Or was it a hallucination?

How do you like Lucian?

What are your thoughts about Max?

See you guys next week

Love you,


Yours Fictionally,

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