Chapter 1: The Last Frontier

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"Stop! Hey you! Stop!" I yelled as I jumped from one roof to another chasing a hooded figure, a Templar. He suddenly slid himself horizontally across the roof and started freerunning down. By the time I reached the edge of the roof he had already made his way to the very narrow street crowded with people, civilians. He looked up and as soon as he saw me on the edge of the roof preparing to jump, he jolted down the street pushing aside everyone in his way with brute force. I had to be careful. Assassins do not kill civilians, only their targets. Without wasting a moment, I jumped again to directly land on the dusty street. As I hit the floor, I saw a crowd of faceless people walking as though nothing was happening. I started running after the Templar who had just turned into a small alley. I used my Eagle Vision.

Bad move. That alley leads to a dead end. I ran after him into the alley, my blades withdrawn, ready to pierce his heart, but to my shock, I saw 4 figures - who looked exactly like him -  standing in front of me. They quickly positioned themselves around me in a circle, with me as their center. And as I turned my head for the first strike, a fist came at my face with high velocity and Bam!!

I woke up with a start. I looked around the room for a while, it was like every other hotel room that you could imagine of, impersonal. I thought about the dream for a moment. That alley, Jodhpur. My face gave a smirk of reminiscence. I still sometimes feel the pain of that profound ass-kicking I'd gotten the day I'd become free of my burdens, or rather just free. We'll get to that later. What's the time? 5.45 am. Ah, Dammit, no point in sleeping again. Might as well have coffee now.

I got out of bed and put on some clothes on my lean but firm body. It had been tested quite a few times in the past few months so now I was working on keeping it fit. Also because it was a necessity at my current - and very new - job. I silently went across the room to the door, making sure I didn't wake up Hernando, who by the way, had hooked me up with this job in the first place. Anyway, I went downstairs to the poorly lit lobby where they had this ancient era coffee machine which blessed me with a cup of some robust blend that felt like tongue bleach. I went back to my room. Hernando was still sleeping like he didn't give a shit (maybe because he really didn't) so I again began my silent journey across the room to the balcony where I pulled up a chair with my legs up on the railing, drinking that firestorm coffee waiting for the two butt shaped mountains to pinch a loaf that is our beloved sun.


It was around 6:50 AM. Hernando woke up.
He got out of his bed and walked to the balcony.

"Hey Walt, how long you been up?"

"A while. I was thinking about Mom."

"Hmm. We all miss her. She was a cool lady, Mrs. C." I smiled. She was cool.

We both went back inside and Hernando took the TV remote and sat on his bed and turned the thing on. After swiping through some channels he stopped at one that was showing a repeat of a rerun of Dr. Who. By God, he loved that show.

"So that's why you're up early on a free day!" I said sardonically.

He deadpanned and then replied, "Don't you have to be at the airport to pick your sister up in about an hour? Or did you forget?"

"Yeah yeah. But how can you watch that stuff man?" I said pointing at a guy with a human body but get this, the head of a pig. I mean, seriously? Wait, are the pig heads supposed to be symbolic?

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