Chapter Nineteen

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Alex smiled. "That's the spirit."

"Alex I have to clean myself up. Let me finish Calpurnia and put her in her stall." Jack said plainly.

"Thank you, and please make sure you both come visit me once he finds you." Alex said kindly.

"Alex we could never leave you."Jack said.


In the grand kings chambers were adorned with tapestries and flickering candles, King Zack lies on a regal bed, his once-powerful frame now frail and weakened. Surrounding him are his three children, Ella, Phillip, and Edward, their eyes filled with sorrow and tears as they gather around their dying father.

Zack's voice is weak but filled with love as he addresses each of his children in turn.

Zack took his daughter's hand. "My dear Ella, you have always been the light of my life. Your compassion and kindness have brought warmth to this kingdom. Never forget the strength that lies within you.

He squeezes her hand, his grip feeble yet determined.

"I will miss you father. Thank you for everything and making my life everything I wanted. Thank you and papa for choosing me as an infant. I love you." She kissed his forehead gingerly.

He smiled to her. "I would choose you and your brothers again and again in every lifetime if I could."

Ella giggled. "If you and Papa get children in your next life, just remember us."

"I could never forget you all." Zack said and a tear fell.

Zack's eyes met Phillip's. "Phillip, my son, you possess the wisdom and courage of a true leader. May you continue to lead with honor and integrity, guiding our people with compassion and justice."

Phillip nodded. Attempting to be stoic as Marie held his hand. "Yes Father. I will be Edward's biggest supporter and strongest confidant."

Edward smiled lovingly at Phillip over his words.

Zack finally looked To Edward, his eldest son. Edward, You have always shown determination and resilience. Take care of our kingdom, my son. Lead with a compassionate heart and a steady hand. Lead with compassion and honor your people."

Edward bowed his head to his father. "I will always honor you and our family's legacy. I will take the throne and not fill your place but try and striven towards its greatness."

As Zack turns his gaze to his grandchildren, a bittersweet smile graces his lips. He speaks softly, his voice barely a whisper but filled with love.

Zack turned to all of his grandchildren. "Each of you holds a piece of my heart. Remember to cherish one another, to support and uplift each other in times of joy and sorrow. You are the future of this kingdom, and I have no doubt that you will make me proud."

With a final effort, Zack turns back to his children, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears.

Zack looks to To Edward, with a faint but earnest smile. "One final time... Edward, my son, it is time for you to take your place as the new king. Promise me that you will care for our people, that you will lead with wisdom and compassion."

Edward nods solemnly, his own eyes brimming with emotion as he accepts the weight of his father's words.

Edward looked solemnly. "I promise, Father. I will do everything in my power to honor your legacy and protect our kingdom."

Zack's smile grows tender as he feels the warmth of his family's love surrounding him. With one last breath, he whispers his final words, his voice barely audible.

Zack is Whispering. "I will see you soon, my love. I am coming, Jack."

And with those words, King Zack's eyes close for the final time, his spirit departing to join his beloved in what he hoped was a new life. He had to believe. He needed a new life with Jack, not go to the realm beyond. He knows His legacy lives on in the hearts of his children and grandchildren, a beacon of love and strength for generations to come.


Zack woke up. And he was in the field of wildflowers him and Jack shared their first kiss in. He blinked. It was night. Probably only hours since he passed.

He looked down at his hands. He had a white cloud on the back of his right hand. He brought it up and ran through his hair. It was longer than it was expected previously. He felt stubble on his face and he felt his strong cheekbones.

He looked to his right and a ways away from him was a blonde man sitting with his back to him

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He looked to his right and a ways away from him was a blonde man sitting with his back to him. He looked familiar, and as Zack looked at him.... Zack felt that familiar feeling, the itchy hand, the buzzing in his head, the painful headache.

"Jack... JACK!" Zack shouted as he ran towards the other man.

Jack turned around startled that someone was there. He came here to be alone, and reflect as he had not found Zack and he had died hours ago.

He saw a man running towards him and Jack felt his head melt, and the familiar itch of his mark as a cloud appeared in his hand to match his lightning bolt.

"Zack? ZACK!" Jack said in realization as he got up and ran to meet the man running towards him halfway.

They met and Zack sweeped Jack into his arms. Jack moved Zack's hair, and he touched their first ever Marks gingerly. 

"It's you. It's really you. I have waited 10 years for you." Jack whispered as he jumped up and wrapped his legs around Zack's waist. 

"Come" Zack whispered.

Jack smiled and leaned in and Kissed Zack. And they kissed passionately, making up for last time. They embraced and kissed for what felt like an eternity.

As they pulled away. Zack smiled.

"I love you. I am sorry I made you wait." He whispered.

"I would do it all over for you." Jack whispered as he rested his forehead against Zack's.

"In every lifetime... I will find you." Zack whispered.

"I will always be the missing arrow to your broken bow." Jack said.

Zack pulled him in by his neck. "Now. Let's start our new life... together."

They kissed again. Just relishing in each other's presence.

"Tomorrow can we go to the castle and tell the children we found each other." Jack said with a smile.

Zack tearfully nodded. "Yes. Yes we can."

Missing Arrows to My Broken Bow**EDITING**Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu