[>Chapter 8: Picture Love Story>]

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It has been a few months after the interview. Since then, time have passed me without a warning.

The interview in the talk show with station Y have somehow gather more fans as the time went by. Most noticable, during fan meet and greet would goes for hours with a long line.

We had done a lot of things.

For example, much bigger venue to perform, have more interview, and everyone have their own offer for either a commercial or a appearance on a big game show.

But, even if we were popular amongst the idol fans right now, the payment is really bad...

Ai wasn't exaggerating when she said how suck it was the payment when we have show like almost three times a month in different locations.

Speaking of Ai, she is kinda the same as usual. She would talk to me regularly and would ask me to hang out during our free time.

Ai would sometime bring up about hikaru during our conversation. Like how he was a good actor, or how good looking he was or how short he was compared to her. I almost laugh about it but I was able to hold it back.

One odd conversation with Ai was after the end of the year show.

We were in our make-up room and it was only and Ai that was in the room. We both just talk so we wouldn't be bored.

"I guess today show is really fun, right?"

"Yeah, there was so many people attending our show." I replied while taking off my hair accessories.

We were keep talking about random stuff until she suddenly ask me a question.

"Ne Hime-chan? Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is it?"


It was a short paused before she continues.

"How are you doing this day?"

That was an odd question...?

"I guess I'm okay...? I do have something that I'm worried about but I try my best not to let it bother me as much. Why do you ask?"

I look at her face to face and it was in another pause.

"...I see. You always tell the truth even if it's vague huh?"

That took me by surprise.

'Well, I shouldn't be surprised when I'm facing the liar genius at this point.

But it did take me off guard...'

"Well, there is no good in telling lies anyway. Yes, lie can be essential at certain situations but telling lies left to right everytime is also harmful.

I'm not saying that I never lie but I rather tell the truth rather than telling people a lie that might come back and bite me in the later days."

As got up and change my clothes with my normal fits behind the curtain.

'I think I over said it but... it's one way just to make her realize that not everything have to be a lie.

Love is love.

Lying is no way shape of love.

I don't like to lie even if I had to...'

I came out and Ai was still there but she seems to be in deep thoughts.

Higeki No Idol [Oshi No Ko] ON BREAKOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz