Gulon Gas

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When I dragged Sophie down the hallway, I thought she was sick, but now was she? I could almost convince myself she wasn't sick, but a voice in the back of my head said no. Just when I think I should let her go, Sophie starts sneezing. A lot, like too many to count, she sounded like Fitz did when I gave him Seventy Sneezes, an elixir that causes uncontrollable sneezing. Yep, she was definitely sick. '' So, you aren't sick? Really?'' I say sarcastically. '' It's just a little cold'' Sophie argues. I knew that forcing my girlfriend to go Elwin would only end with me losing, so I don't push her. '' Fine. How about this, if it gets worse, you'll go to Elwin, no matter what time it is, okay?'' Sophie nods, ''Okay, okay, now can I go to Study Hall?'' I let go of her hand, and she heads off to Study Hall, I meanwhile had a prank to pull, that annoying Shayda Adel, got me into two weeks of detention, it was not my fault that she couldn't a joke. The prank consisted of some amoebas, and some stinky gulon gas. I headed towards her locker, placed the amoebas and with the help of Dex, I had a cool contraption that would release the gulon gas straight into her mouth and nose. I had told Dizznee that it was for my dad, and of course he was happy to oblige. Prank secure, my job was done. I head to study hall, Sir Bradley is always asleep in study hall so, I don't need to sneak in. I spot Fitz, rolling his eyes at me, he seems to say, "What did you do, again?" I just sit next to him and shrug. "Where's Foster?"
"She left study hall, some time back."
"Ditching?" My Foster has grown so much.
"Nah, I don't think so. She told Sir Bradley." She finally went to the Healing center, that's good, she seemed pretty out of it. It just seemed weird of Foster; she doesn't give up so easily. I brush off my concerns, anyway.

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