Chapter 3 Venom

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After Alex and Ellie left the cafeteria, Petra just stood there in shock for a bit. After a few moments she went back to her friends.

MJ: Damn... did... did you know he felt like that?

Petra: I... I did... the fight that caused us to break up was... it was about my late nights at the bugle. He thought with how often it was that I was seeing someone else.

She told her friends as she propped her head up with her right arm.

Harry: What did you do after?

Petra: I called him an idiot and asked who I'd even cheat on him with. He gave a few answers, Harry, Miles, Johnny Storm.

She told the others.

Harry: Johnny Storm?! Human Torch! How do you two know him?

Petra: Childhood friend.

She sighed and picked at her food.

Miles: I understand Harry, I mean you two are childhood friends, but me?

Harry: Every white guy in a relationship's worst nightmare is their partner getting with a tall black dude. You're one of the perfect fits for that in this school.

Harry told Miles.

Miles: Is that why you've never introduced me to any of your girlfriends?

He asked to which Harry only nodded.

MJ: Yeah now that I think about it, you two have been hanging out a lot more recently.

Harry: Holy shit! You two were totally fucking behind his back!

Harry pieced together.

Miles: What?! No! God No! Alex is one of my best friends I wouldn't do that to him! He's like my brother!

Petra: Yeah and Miles is not my type! We're just friends, and I just so happen to tutor him!

She says trying to dismiss the notion.

Harry: Yeah right.

MJ: I actually can confirm they do nothing behind Alex's back.

She said as Harry looked at her confused.

MJ: From my own experiences, she'd be limping a lot after a night with Miles. Not that I've been with him myself, just from other black guys I've dated.

Petra: Gross but thank you.

MJ smiled and nodded her head.

Miles: Yeah, I wouldn't do that to Alex.

He said as the group tried to continue on with their day without Alex. As he's normally the one to get them through the school days with stupid jokes and normally stood up for them from bullies who pick on Petra, and Miles, girls who try to use Harry for money, and guys who slut shame and try to get with MJ.

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