Chapter Three: Brain-Drain

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When drama or crazy stuff happens, it's because of one big and bad scene that's caused by two or more people and has a lot of on-lookers, and then the next thing you know, everyone's talking about it. 

Which is exactly what happened during lunchtime. Now, I wasn't there. Mostly because I decided to sneak off into the library by myself to read one of my favorite books, The Apocalyptic Wedding, a story filled with love, monsters and saving humanity from destroyed by zombies, the usual stuff. 

It was a great book, I mean, it was probably the best book that I'd ever read in my entire life! Especially with how cute, Eliot, the male lead was a major hunk! He almost killed himself in order to save his wife! What a sweetheart! 

As I was about to read the last part of the book, I heard Mckayla saying, "What are you reading?" 

I turned around and saw Mckayla peaking over my shoulder, I smiled nervously as I shocked my book into my backpack. "O-oh! N-nothing, nothing at all." 

Mckayla raised an eyebrow as she pulled up a chair next to me. "Don't tell me that you're reading that sappy nerdy stuff again. You know that stuff is for dorks, right?" 

"Uh, duh! I know that it's totally pathetic!" I chuckled nervously. "I-I just read it to see how stupid the story is. Heh." 

Mckayla raised an eyebrow and shook her head, chucking, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hey look, I need your help with something." 

"Oh," I turned my head, "With what?"

"I got into an argument with some girl during lunchtime, I spilled milk on her shirt by accident and she totally freaked out. I tried to be nice and all, but she was giving me the cold shoulder. So, I was wondering if you could come and talk to her, please?" Mckayla asked. 

"Oh, w-well, I'm not sure..." 

"Come on, Rose. You're the only one I could trust with stuff like that. If I didn't trust, I wouldn't be here right now, would I?" 

Mckayla flashed a sweet smile at me, the same smile she would flash when she wanted my chocolate chip cookie from elementary school. I smiled and nodded my head. "Okay, I'll go talk to her for you. What's her name, anyway?" 

"Uh, I think it was Raine Flowers, she has like brown hair but the tips of it were like a bright green, she's tall and lanky like, you can't miss her." 

"Okay. I'll do it." I smiled

"Thanks again, I'm counting on you." Mckayla grabbed her bag and then left the library while I was left with a new reasonability to be taken care of, finding Raine and be able to mend this situation. 

I can handle it! What's the worst that could happened?


Okay, so there might be a slight problem. While finding Raine was super easy, she was surrounded by 3 other girls chatting her up, especially with how tall she was

The girls that were hanging around her, my guess was that they were friends because of how awesome looking she was, I could the coolness she had from the other side of the world! 

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