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Before long the group was headed to rehearsals for their tour. Throughout the first few run-throughs Seonghwa was a bit uncoordinated, either moving just slightly too soon or just slightly too late. It was out of the ordinary for him to have such a shaky start to rehearsals, however the subtle set-backs disappeared as the practice continued.

The Ateez members finished rehearsals on a good note. Impressed with their work again, Hongjoong treated everyone to dinner. Throughout the entirety of dinner, Seonghwa had barely looked his way and had avoided prolonged eye contact and kept conversation with Hongjoong almost strictly related to their work. It was incredibly unusual, and Hongjoong could tell easily that he wasn't the only one to pick up on Seonghwa's not-so-subtle behavior.

"Amazing work as usual tonight, Hwa." Hongjoong complimented, looking up to meet the gaze of the ravenette sitting across the table from him.

"It wasn't my best." Seonghwa deadpanned. "But thank you anyway." Seonghwa quickly looked back to his food, which he picked around at before taking a bite.

Hongjoong paused before attempting to speak to him again. "How is your food, Hwa?" he asked quietly in an attempt to further separate their interactions from the rowdy conversation the others held.

Seonghwa looked at him and paused. "This is delicious, thank you for treating us." He said, giving a small and unconvincing smile. He was quickly looking to the others to join their conversation.

'Where is this wall coming from?' Hongjoong thought to himself, a twinge of irritation taking over his mood. He took a bite of his food and watched Seonghwa. 'What is going through that mind of yours?'

Hongjoong was beginning to regret making any kind of advances on Seonghwa.

'I shouldn't have even kissed him. He's very obviously uncomfortable now.'

Hongjoong sighed and excused himself from the table and headed to the restroom. As he walked away, back turned to the group, Seonghwa's gaze followed. He watched as his captain walked somewhat dejectedly toward the restrooms. A hint of guilt crept into his mind and he contemplated if he should follow Hongjoong. But why would he follow him? There was nothing to feel guilty about on his end. Seonghwa shook away those thoughts and became present in conversation once again.


Once again it was hours past midnight and Hongjoong was wide awake in the basement. He was busy, yes, but preoccupied. Frankly he was bothered by Seonghwa's seemingly cold shoulder all day after their encounter that morning.

If Seonghwa was uncomfortable, why did he kiss back? Why did he pull Hongjoong down over him?

Why did he undress in front of Hongjoong the night before, and then pull him into bed, all while intoxicated?


Hongjoong shook the thoughts away. He understood that Seonghwa wasn't the type to play around with others' feelings and surely there was some sort of explanation for this behavior. After all, not a soul knew about Hongjoong's feelings for Seonghwa. Feelings that did imply he was gay, bisexual at the very least. He had never come out as such. Therefore, if Seonghwa even felt the same way Hongjoong did, he had never come out either.

Sighing, Hongjoong decided it was time to call it a night. Although being wide awake, he was way past his productive hours.


Upstairs Seonghwa laid in bed awake. He was lost in thought over the day's events. Particularly his heated moment with Hongjoong. That moment had been replaying over and over in his mind the entire day, leaving him distracted and not fully present in the moment with the others. The feeling of Hongjoong's lips pressed firmly yet passionately into his was burned into memory, as was the sensation of Hongjoong hovering over his body. Recounting it left Seonghwa simultaneously very uncomfortable and very aroused. Feeling arousal over Hongjoong made it incredibly difficult to look him in the eye, especially at dinner where they sat directly across from one another.

Promise - Seongjoong [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now