Surge: It's not "your" dynamo cage anymore. It MINE and I'll use it MY way.

She points a finger at Eggman's nose shocking it.

Surge: Man, you're lucky Sonics on top of the hitlist.

Her body becomes bright blue as she destroys a wall.

Surge: Don't worry though I'll be back for you.

The next day...

Y/N and Whisper were up on a roof, watching in silence as charged up Surge wreaks havoc in the streets of central city.

Y/N: What is that?

Whisper: I don't know but its causing destruction we need to confront it.

Y/N nods.


The two swiftly drop down behind a car, Whisper peeks over, aiming her Wispon at Surge, pulling the trigger and firing a cyan laser but she misses.

Surge moves her head to the side and moves the car that Y/N and Whisper are hiding behind.

Surge: Ooh. I like your style. Got names? I'd like to know before pounding you two into the pavement.

Whisper and Y/N stand ready to fight.

The wisps begin talking to Whisper.

Pink: She doesn't look so though let's get her.

Orange: Agreed it would be unconscionable to allow this brutish display to continue.

Surge lifts her hand and unleashes an energy blast, Whisper jumps and shoots at the ground with the Wispons rocket mode to avoid it while Y/N jumps to the side.

Surge: Not talkers, are ya?

Whisper: You're not worth the effort!

Y/N, fueled by anger and determination, charges at Surge with a fierce determination in their eyes. However, as they close in on Surge, the villain unleashes a powerful surge of electricity that strikes Y/N, sending them flying back and crashing into a nearby wall. The impact leaves them stunned and momentarily incapacitated, leaving Whisper to face Surge alone.

Surge smirks and turns her attention to Whisper. Whisper clenches her fists and takes a defensive stance. She jumps up and uses her Wispons hover mode to get above Surge.

Surge: Huh? You think your smart try dodging this one!

Whisper changes her Wispon to Hammer mode mid air. A blue wisp comes out.

Blue: Oh, I hope this is over soon.

She smashes at Surge, but she jumps out of the way causing her to hit the ground.

She then switches to saw mode and fires 3 pink rotating saws at Surge all missing and hitting the ground next to her.

Surge: Geez! It's like one of those knifes but with all the little bits in em.

Surge slides to avoid more.

Surge: Uhg WHATEVER! Who cares what you've got all that stuff in that umbrella-hammer-blaster thing! You'll still fry just fine!

Y/N groans and gets up and goes over next to Whisper, their Wispon in their grip.

Surge hold out her hand expecting electricity but nothing, but a puff comes out.

Surge realizes she's out of energy and quickly hides behind a garbage can.

The two looks at each other before going on opposite sides of the trash can, attempting to box her in, as Whisper got close Surge suddenly tries to rush her,

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