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Sadira - how i suppose to explain huh....trena~

Sadira smiled while thinking about it  the kids who were curious wondered

                  Who is Trena

Sadira - ahmm let's start from the beginning okay?

Kids got hype up and shouted yess!!!

Sadira smiled and started to being

Sadira- around 17years ago there was a respected tribe called ARKA it is one of the oldest tride in India. That day was really joyous to the tride as their leader's wife was pregnant.

Everyone was yelling at the happiness dancing there were many Verities of food present there...as that leader's family was sitting and enjoying the party suddenly a gun shoot's sounds echoed

Everyone started to panic and there The males of the tribe got weapons in case something happened..the leader looked at his wife who looked at him in a shocking way she said.... it's the time

His eyes widened as he yelled hide them!! Hide them!! But maybe it was too late then we again heard the sound of bullets firing on the tribal people like blindly

Leaders and other males safely took their wives to the secret tunnel. While he picked up his pregnant wife in his arms he looked at the back. The only he can saw is dead people, blood and fire

Then his wife said my water broke it's the broken . He was panicking but he said calmly rukmaya everything will be okay you have to live with or without me

He ordered the females of the tride to help his wife on the delivery while he went on the village to save others

He got shot in the arm as his scream while on the other side his wife was struggling to deliver the child. Soon as she last time pushed the baby out people couldn't hear anything

The leader who was lying on the ground with blood around him held his left arm in order to stop it from bleeding.. he put out all the strength to stand up

As he looked at the situation of his village that village where he grew up is now almost destroyed he could see bodies lying on the ground burning houses

Is slowly slowly walked to the secret tunnel as he entered the tunnel some female look that him sadly wondered what had happened

did something happen to his child?

He went to his wife who was lying on the stone in a helpless way taking her last breath she said her name is Trena

The husband yelled at his wife that to say awake to stay awake don't close your eyes don't close your eyes mayaa!!!! Aaaaaa

Put his head on his wife just as he cried but then that baby girl also started crying the leader look held her in his arms and said now you will be just like your mother but slightly different Trena

As Leader got the gun shot on his arm and due to the heavy flow of blood he got unconscious

Others PPL took care of trena and him as now he is in coma? He got a shock of his wife's death

Trena who was unknown of all this..is grown up by the help of village people
Arka tribe made themselves hidden

They used different identities to safe themselves and survive..city PPL wants to destroy their mother forest and take there land which they can't let it happen

As time passed trena got 4 years old she was sent to a famous guru for education of veda like literally all types of Vedas for ex - yurvada , rigveda
Infact she wasn't the only one but there was a few more kids but slightly older than her the mostly fascinating thing was that she is there to learn 4 Vedas

Instead of one mostly people learn one veda but she is extraordinary sn't she?

Actually it not like that she is just a child but her mind is very sharp and calm which allows her to push her limits

There village is known for there spealities which is not necessary right now.

Kids were paying attention on the story got disturbed when there mothers came to pick them up. sadira who was preparing a herbal paste got up

And opened a secret door it was totally different after entering you can see the morden technology and stuffs

She unwrapped someone wounds and applied medicine while humming a song which signifies her love for singing

She said captain look you have to get better how would you be lifeless like this? She was sad as she got no response in return...you will be better in a few weeks
She was fatigued..as she lay down on the bed while staring at the ceiling she was thinking how her captain saved her life which is not necessary to know rn

Then she fall asleep hahaha!

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Hey! Reader i hope you enjoyed reading the first chapter of this book i hope you loved it

Thanks for reading 🩵

HIDDEN SECRETSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora