Part 3

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Still Sonic's P.O.V.

"Hey beautiful~ how's working with dirty animals?" He said, leaning in the reception desk, rolled my eyes and pushed him off and rearranged it. "One, stop flirting with me and two, dare to call them that again and I will have you banned from the building." I said with a glare. I really hate him flirting with me.

He goes out with a lot of others and then breaks up with them once he is done. It sickened me that he is a player, I would NEVER fall for his stupid actions. He was about to say something, but someone hit him upside his head.

"You idiot of a brother, you need to leave Sonic alone. He is working his ass off to save the creatures, besides you're basically calling yourself out again." The dark ruff voice said, I look and saw Shadow, he crossed his arms and glared at Max. I giggled at Shadow's jokes, he always makes me laugh.

It's the one thing I like about him. Even though he has a gloomy side, he has a very sweet side of him. You'll have to know him a little more and not piss him off. "Sorry about him Sonic, I'm trying to keep him in check. I came here to see how you're doing." Shadow said, smiling at me. I love that smile, he had changed from the first time I met him.

"It's alright and thank you for checking up on me. I'm doing just fine." I said with a slight blush on my muzzle. If you want to know Shadow is my crush, I liked him since I first met him. But, he never liked me the first time we met. He's sweet now, I love him so much. Hope one day we could be together.... But, it's fine.

Wow, never stop doing chapters xD but thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21 ⏰

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