Chapter two: intentions

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Lux's POV:

After the conversation with Regina, I walked to the table of Janis, Damian and Cady since I didn't want them to be upset that I didn't sit with them like it was planned.

"What did Regina say?", Janis immediately asked in a serious tone.

"She knows me from tiktok, she just introduced herself", I replied and Janis raised her eyebrow.

"She doesn't let people sit at her table for no reason", Janis said and glared at me.

It made me feel a bit uneasy.

Cady noticed the tension and she gently rubbed my back.

"She probably just wanted to make sure that the new girl isn't a competition for her, she became even more paranoid with that after I briefly took over her spot", Cady said and I was glad she stepped in.

"Cady is probably right. Regina always checks out the new people", Damian said and Janis sighed.

"Just don't get too close, this bitch uses manipulation as a sport", Janis warned and continued to eat her food in a passive aggressive way.

I understood that Janis didn't like Regina but her reaction still seemed quite strong especially because I just talked to Regina for a few minutes.

After lunch I had to go to my next class on my own since we had different ones.

While I was walking down the hallway, I saw Regina walking straight towards me.

"Not gonna lie, it disappointed me that you didn't sit with me throughout all of lunchtime", she said and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, it's just that Janis asked me first", I replied and she sighed.

"Of course she did. You're an open gay girl and most likely her type. You really should be more cautious of the people around you. If you continue to stay close to Janis, she will never leave you alone and terrorize you", she warned me again.

"Listen, I make my own judgement of people and right now, I think she is cool", I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, you still need to make up for the fact that you left me hanging at lunch", she said and my eyes widened.

Why did she make such a big deal out of that?

"And how exactly?", I asked confused and she grinned.

"Gretchen, Karen and me always hang out at my house after school. You should join us today", she said and I nervously looked down.

Janis really didn't like Regina and I didn't want her to feel betrayed that I spent time with her anyway.

"I'm not sure, if I have time", I said and she moved closer towards me, our faces were only a few inches apart.

"Then make sure you have time. Do you really want to leave me hanging again?", she asked, sounding quite upset.

I kinda felt guilty. I couldn't just deny her everything just because people told me to especially when she was nothing but nice to me.

"Okay, I will come", I said and she smiled brightly again.

"Great, make sure to meet me at the yard after school", she said and walked past me.

After my last class was over, I put a few things into my locker and I flinched when I suddenly felt a hot breath against my ear.

"Hey", the voice breathed out and I turned around only to see Janis standing very close to me with a smirk on her face.

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