chapter 1.

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"Taehyungie, my sweet little Taehyung, where are you? Come outside, dadda wants to see your pretty face."

A man in his late thirties, swaying from side to side, clutching a bottle of liquor, searches for his seven-year-old son through the corridors of his house.

Passing his own bedroom, he enters his son's room.

"Come on, little baby, open the door for dadda... Look what daddy bought for you."

Getting no response from his son, the man grows furious. He bangs on the door, eventually forcing it open with a loud bang, as he steps inside the room with drunken rage.

The room doesn't look any close to that of a seven-year-old. A dirty mattress lies on the floor beside a lamp. At a distance, an old-looking Almirah stands, where his son is currently hiding from him.

Unable to find any clue of his son, the man turns to search for him in the bathroom next door. He mumbles to himself as he leaves the room.

"All this while, the little kid watched the scene unfold before his eyes, a hand pressed against his mouth to not let out any sound as he cried silently. His hair was a mess, his eyes red from crying, and he hugged his legs tightly to his chest. A nasty bruise adorned his right knee, drops of blood mixing with shades of red and purple.

Peeking through a hole in the Almirah, he watched his drunk and wasted father stumble towards the bathroom in search of him. With a sigh of relief, he released the breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding, slumping backward and allowing his racing heart to calm a bit. He took deep breaths to steady himself, thinking he was out of trouble, and allowed his body to relax.

"Gotcha," his father exclaimed, laughing crazily, followed by the heart-wrenching sound of his own scream.

Taehyung woke up gasping for air, cold sweat lingering over his forehead, his whole body drenched in sweat. It took him a good minute to grasp the situation and his surroundings. He realized he wasn't in that shitty place anymore; he was in his safe home, in his own bedroom, lying on his soft and clean bed.

Looking around, he reached for his old phone, which had a crack on it, but nevertheless, the old device worked fine. Glancing at the time, it showed 7:03 am in the morning.

As he looked at the wallpaper, a picture of him and his hyung, throwing his big arms over Taehyung's and his older sister's shoulder, filled the screen. They were all smiling so widely, radiating happiness. He ran his fingers over the picture lovingly, remembering the joyful times they spent together at the amusement park.

His loving moment was interrupted by his sister's yelling from downstairs.

"Yahhhh, Taehyung-ah, hurry your lazy ass up! I'm getting late for class. If I get yelled at by my annoying teacher again just because of you, I'm gonna beat the shit out of you. So you better hurry the fuck up."

He groaned loudly, displeased with the thought of his sister yelling so early in the morning. Annoyed that he had the same nightmare again, which had haunted him for eight years straight, about his scary father, he let his tired body fall back onto the sheets.

Taking a deep breath while staring at the wall, he saw his picture with his hyung. Sumi, his older sister, had taken that picture of both of them on his hyung's birthday. He smiled at the memory.

Before he could hear his sister's annoying voice again, he got up from his bed to freshen up and start his day.

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So this is the first chapter. How was it ?
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