Chapter - 1 (Part -1)

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It was the month of spring, there was beauty everywhere. everything looked lovely. There were Cherry blossom and pretty flowers, chirping birds, and buzzing bees all around. The grass was green, the sky was blue, and the sun was warm. Some people found the day burdensome with scorching heat, but for others, it was a time of charm and lust.

As soon as the sun peeked through the window, the noisy alarm woke her up

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As soon as the sun peeked through the window, the noisy alarm woke her up. She tried to turn it off but couldn't reach it. Her hair was a mess, and even birds next looked better. It definitely indicated the start of a chaotic morning. With a groan, she realized it was already 7 a.m., but she didn't care much and excused herself to sleep 5 minutes more, and her day was off to a less-than-perfect start. She was having a beautiful but hopeless romantic dream about her favorite comfort character, smiling with her eyes closed. She always has been really good at dreaming. But the reverse is also true when it comes to real life. The prince of her dreams was holding her hand and was about to kiss her when suddenly her roommate shook her and pulled her up delicately." Oh dear, dear. Mai! Common, GET UP!" she gently took her hand and told her, "My little kitten, get up, don't you have the appointment today? Do you want to get late, hmm?" A sudden realization hit her and she opened her eyes widely. She looked at the clock and fell down from bed when she learned that it was already half past nine. She hurried and rushed to the bathroom. She didn't bother much about how she looked but started cleaning herself up and putting on the dress she picked yesterday. Without caring about her empty stomach she hurried to leave. Wearing her shoes she showed gratitude to her roommate Emily, and left for work.


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