Kanna: The Galaxy Chomper (Happy Macro March?)

Start from the beginning

Clantarian Captain: My God...

Everyone was frozen and shock on seeing this Loli just nom a planet on her fingertip as a giant

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Everyone was frozen and shock on seeing this Loli just nom a planet on her fingertip as a giant. Basically just a giant Kanna Kamui. Just then, Kanna sees H.M.S. Meal.

Kanna: Huh...Candy

She then began to approach the 60s Sci-Fi Ship with cute, innocent, and blunt, yet hunger in her eyes. H.M.S. Meal turns and races away in full Impulse as Kanna was chasing after them.

Clantarian Captain: Fire Phasers and CIWS!

Duck Cosmonaut: Firing Phasers and CIWS

The Meal fires it's Phasers and CIWS at the Dragon Girl, but it didn't do anything to her. Even tuning the heat of the phasers have no affect.

Clantarian Officer: (Polish) Phasers and CIWS having no affect, Sir!

Clantarian Captain: Fire Photon Torpedoes!

They fired, but it didn't work, neither did the Quantum Torpedoes.

Clantarian Officer: We can outmaneuver, but it's faster!

Clantarian Captain:

H.M.S. Meal Warps away, but Kanna was still catching up.

Clantarian Officer: Sir, it's still gaining!

Clantarian Captain: Shift to Warp 10

The ship Warps away faster, but Kanna was still catching up.

Clantarian Officer: It's still gaining!

Clantarian Captain: (Sighs) Prepare to turn around and initiate Quantum Drive

H.M.S. Meal pulls one risky sharp turn before initiating its Quantum Drive in reverse. Why doesn't it use Universe Loop and escape? Because we need to show-off our cool visual effects.


Even in the fastest Quantum Speed, Kanna was still gaining.

Clantarian Captain: (This is leaving me no choice. If this thing continues to consume planets, it would kill countless lives until the entire Universe is gone) My Brothers...We must use one last resort to end this...Engine Room...Prepare Wave Motion Gun!

In response, despite the energy drain, Wave Motion Energy began channeling towards the Wave Motion Gun. The Deflector Dish began to glow.

Clantarian Officer: Target Scope, open!

The Target Scope raised from the Helm Console and the Revolver Hammer was cocked back.

Clantarian Cosmonaut: And if it doesn't work?

Clantarian Captain: If the Gun doesn't, there's no tell on how we'll stop it with all our arsenal

Clantarian Officer: Gun Output at 50%. 60%. 70%...

Soon, the Chamber reaches 120%.

Clantarian Officer: Firing in 3...2...1...Fire!

He pulls the trigger and the hammer is released, firing a large beam of tachyon particles from the Deflector Dish. The beam hits Kanna, creating a massive explosion. H.M.S. Meal loses power after using its Wave Motion Gun. Fortunately, it would recharge due time all Clantarian Ships having regenerative power generators because yes...also, Wave Motion Technology. The smoke clears, and to their surprise, Kanna remained unharm. Not even a scratch or any burnt marks.

Clantarian Officer: Sir, it didn't work!

Clantarian Captain: No! Abandon Ship!

But it was too late. Kanna then opens her mouth and has consume the Constitution Class Ship.

Kanna: N O M...Crunchy

News about the giantess spread. Many starships and trains were sent to intercept, but many were unfortunate to be munched while some barely escaped via Universe Loop. Later, at a Spacedock of a planet unified into the Clantarian Empire, things were calm before alarms were alerted from the alert sirens and alert speakers. Many Clantarian Tommies and Citizens look out to see the giant Loli warp out of nowhere.

Duck Tommy Officer: What the hell? What is that thing?

Clantarian Officer: (Comm) Rainbow Star Line to Starbase Vore. Launch all vessels. Launch all vessels

Don't question me nerfing them with poor tactics and decisions. Anyways, Civilians are immediately evacuated to shelters.

Duck Tommy Officer: Initiate Wave Motion Shields!

The station's Wave Motion Shields activate as its planetary shields are constantly still up. Once again, Kanna hungers. Kanna must feed. As this planet was also small to her, despite being a fairly large planet. She then picked up the planet and its Spacedock and...

 She then picked up the planet and its Spacedock and

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You know the result. Many Starships and Trains barely managed to avoid or were unfortunately caught in her eating. Many lives were lost that day. And with that, she continues to consume many systems as this Universe was vulnerable that even the Clantarian Empire couldn't stop her vore fetish. So what? I'm into vore. As for the retreating ships with as many people they can save, they have to rehabilitate in another Universe or Universes in the endless Omniverse. Also, Happy Macro March.

A/N: This feels so underwhelming 😕

A/N: Amy Pond: Did you think really hard?

A/N: 11th Doctor: No, not like that ✋😕🤚

If we suppose that I am not who I say.
Can you say with certainty that you're even yourself?
Will you be able to pick up the mess you made
once your heart just falls apart like it's sand?

I hear someone calling out my name.
It rings in my ears, it's driving me insane.
Time has frozen all around my head.
I need you to wake me up.

I began to walk straight through the deepest dark abyss.
Swiftly like a gale I knew I must escape this.
I felt as if my rotting corpse had risen back to life.
And now's the time that we break out of our walls.
Unite these different worlds.
Before they take it for them.

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