if i wanted to

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If I really wanted to
I would've done the same to you
Would've fucked him in your bed
And purposely right before you came home

If I really want to
I would've done the same to you
Would've fucked with your head
And make you question if it was all your fault

But I'm not like you
I'll never be somebody who does the things you do
I cannot smile when someone who loves me is crying
I cannot hide how I feel or lie about being happy
That's just not me

Do you know how many nights
I stayed up late and fantasized
Making you fall in love
Then breaking your heart?

Until I realize that's not possible
'Cause there's nothing there to break
You'll never go insane like I did
You'll never hurt the same way I did
That's just not you

Your ego's the only thing I could've hurt
We all know you love yourself so much
You'd step all over everyone to get what you want

Your pride's the only thing you have left
We all know you hate yourself so much
You won't allow any happiness at your doorstep

Well, I'm moving on
I'm glad I didn't stay
You're petty and I'm not
I'd rather life my life than rot

Well, I'm moving on
That's all I gotta say
I didn't hurt you
'Cause I didn't want to be you

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