
I feel....alone.

Does that make sense?

I try to reach out to others online.

No response.

I try to reach out to others in real life..

They don't care.

I feel so lost.....

And of course I have to go and try and vent and I just.... Dcbxjc ceywiugj

I started self harming a few months ago. I've told three of my friends.

Friend 1. Okay then...*Continues to talk about interests*

Friend 2. Same. So anyway, (I'm just gonna say this, this friend doesn't understand. I don't even think she knows that I'm slitting my wrists as she didn't know what racism was intill I explained in to her.

Friend 3. "Call child services." 

And I want to say, that I've had a problem with past friendships.

As I was kicked out for one for being "too annoying for their mental health." Right after a break-up.

I legit got trust issues from that because the person broke up with me saying "I don't think I like the same gender as much as boys.) 

(I hadn't firgured out I was non-binary yet.)

And then two weeks later proceeded to date the same gender. 

Which was legit just throwing salt in the wound as she got over it so fucking quickly.

Not to mention that friend group after started bullying me.

AND UGHH I just I feel so alone and I can't. And I just no.

and one of my friends (friend two) is so fucking competive that when ever I say I think i did good on this or smthing they fuckin say "Nah im better."

etc. I really like this art- "Im better at art." YEAH CUZ IM A NERD?? "But im a better nerd." not only that, my jr high hosted a spelling bee, And she didnt get into it but I did and failed (at 5th place.) and this girl legit said. "I probably would have won im better anyways." 


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