Some caffeine

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As soon as I walk in, the sweet smell of bread and chicken overtakes me. There's a cute little seating area on front of a counter where behind it, lays the entire kitchen so we can see and smell what they are cooking.

There seems to only be about 6 or 7 people here. We sit down at a small square table by the wall, not too close to the kitchen but not too far away.

"Where did you find this place?"
"It's funny I walked in one day discovering it and have loved it ever since, but no one knows of this place." I smile as she talks in awe about it. "What do you usually get?" "Something different every time, but the pasta salad is to die for."

"So you're a health nut then?" I ask as she skims over the menu handing me one as well. "Sometimes, comes with being an athlete." I nod in understanding until she continues. "Don't get me wrong though, sometimes I deserve a little desert." Oh.

I turn my head coughing as I try to hide the slight tint of my cheeks. By the look on her face, I don't think she missed it. Pulling myself together, I fold my arms over my chest as I ask her a question. "So I have a question- why are you single?" She raises her eyebrows signaling for me to elaborate. "I mean you clearly are very confident and gorgeous and have someone like me blushing like crazy, so what's the other shoe?"

"I make you blush huh?" She smiles at me. This girl.
Sighing she turns her head before continuing. "Same story as everyone else. Got hurt. Wasn't looking for a relationship." I nodded my head sympathetically. "Are you looking for one now?"
She makes eye contact again forming a small genuine smile before answering. "Only if it's with you." Smiling I chuckle uncrossing my arms from my chest, resting them on the table. "Good."

"So can I ask my questions?" She asks smiling. "Shoot. But if it's my favorite color I'm leaving." She laughs shaking her head before continuing.
"Place you've always wanted to go?
"Paris. Even though you would think I've gone because of my job but I haven't."
"I'll take you."
"Yeah okay." I say rolling my eyes.
"Mhm next question?"

"Next date?"
"Your place." She smiles chucking softly looking away for a second. I watch as she looks down covering the blush I can tell showed up from her thoughts. She looks back smiling making eye contact once again. "Are you a good cook?" I ask this time. "Guess you'll have to see." I nod my head approvingly before she asks another question.

"Do you like watching soccer?" I take a second before answering as she watches me. "No." I watch as she frowns a little before fixing her expression. "But I like watching you play." Her lips turn up a little before I continue. "Might just become my new favorite thing." Her smile brightens even more. "But I'm sure you'll provide more entertaining ways of enjoyment as we get to know each other better."

"Damn" I laugh as we ease the conversation up a little talking about work and soccer. She said she misses her family and talks about her brother. I can't help but admire her talk about family. I'm not used to compassion and family but I've always wanted one. The flirting banter kept on the whole time.

I tried some avocado sandwich with a side of pasta salad while she had a side of pasta salad too with ravioli. To say it was delicious is an understatement. After finishing, the waiter comes around with the bill as she grabs it putting her credit card in and handing it back before I can even react. "I could've paid." "Nah I got it." I raised a brow. "I wanted to treat you." She says as she gets her card back and puts it away. I admire her for a second before she looks up and catches me as I advert my eyes to something else. "I'm not one to be spoiled you know." She stands up pushing her chair in. "Yeah I figured." She walks around the table as I stand up too. "But you'll have to get used to that too." She says winking in my direction. I push the stupid smile off my face before scoffing.

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