
"Be happy that he can't hear that."


"Hey kid?"


"It's gonna be okay."

I just smile and nod. This is the last way I would've imagined a one on one conversation with Tony Stark. Maybe I was really too soon to judge. 

"What the..."

The room we finally enter is not how I remember it. The whole place is taken over by a... well... I don't really know what that is to be honest. 

Whatever it is stands tall and imposing, its elongated form reminiscent of a giant serpent frozen in mid-strike. It's sleek hull is adorned with intricate patterns of iridescent scales, shimmering with an otherworldly glow in the dim light of the room. 

Strange symbols and markings adorn its surfaces, hinting at a technology far beyond our own understanding.

Despite their formidable appearance, there's an undeniable elegance to the design, a sense of purpose that speaks to its origins as creations of a highly advanced civilization. Every curve and angle seems to serve a specific function, from the sleek fins that adorn its sides to the clusters of pulsating energy nodes that dot its exterior.

As we step closer I realize that this is not just a room. It's a factory. I see all kinds of meal scraps around me, robotic heads, arms and legs. 

And in the middle the scepter waits for us. Just as I remember, the stone radiates with a faint, pulsating glow, its surface swirling with arcane energies that seem to shift and dance with a life of their own. I can feel a tingle in my hands and feel myself drawn to the scepter. I look down to see a nearly invisible purple hue surrounding the air around my fingers. I can sense the power that lies within my hands, just waiting to be unleashed. 

My thoughts get interrupted when I hear a sound behind me but when I turn around, there is nothing. 

"You stay here.", I tell Tony, "Lemme check on something really quick." I have the feeling we are not alone. 

I am right. Only seconds after I leave Tony, I see her. I duck behind a big mount of metal scraps to watch, careful not to draw attention to me. 

Wanda steps behind Tony and a red glow not very different from my purple one, escapes her hands and colors Tony's eyes red. It's like he is in trance. At first his expression is just blant but soon after he starts to look... frightened. Scared to death. 

I am about to interfere because I simply cannot stand his tortured look anymore, when he seems to fall out of the trance. I hold a hand to my mouth to silence the relieved sihg that just escaped my lips. 

Wanda has taken a few steps back into the room. She wears a long, deep crimson coat that flows around her slender frame, giving her a somewhat mysterious and unconventional look. Her dark hair falls loosely around her shoulders, slightly tousled and unkempt, adding to her enigmatic charm. But it's her eyes that truly stand out – deep and intense, they seem to hold a hidden depth. 

She looks beautiful yet absolutely terrifying. 

Pietro appears by her side a second later, trying to stop Stark from taking the scepter with him but his sisters holds him back. I am just as surprised by her action as her twin. 

"We're just gonna let him take it?", he asks with a thick sokovian accent. 

It's been some time since I've last seen him and he appears much more mature. The colors of his attire are dark and muted, with flashes of vibrant silver that catch the eye as he moves. Pietro's hair is still the same, styled in a tousled manner, giving him a slightly unkempt appearance that adds to his rebellious charm.

We both watch his sister smile as Tony picks up the scepter. 

"Little Romanoff?"

This seems to be the twins' cue to leave, as in the next moment, they are gone. I leave my hideaway spot and join Tony on his way back to his suit. 

"Nice friends you have there. Not creepy at all.", he laughs but I miss the playful glimmer in his eyes. 

Whatever Wanda showed him, it must've really distraught him. 


A/N: Believe it or not, two chapters in one day. I'm so proud of myself haha. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! xoxo, Nastja <3

P.S.: Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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