
We stood at the entrance of Rosie's emporium that held a line a mile long. My attention turned toward Velvet who stood inside and helped people with their wardrobes. Charlie was fascinated with the place. She complimented about how nice it was and how homey it felt. It really represented Rosie. She was a doll of a soul and a wonderful leader to her people. I was glad to think that she would be on our side. We strode inside and found her behind her counter.  A brilliant smile glowed across my face as we walked up to her. 

"Rosie!" I called out. 

"Oh, Astra! Is that you I see?" She pushed aside a few of her patrons to make her way over. 

"How are things going with Velvet?" I asked she I pulled her into a loose hug. 

"Oh, we are doing just fabulous! Can you believe she agreed to go on a date with me a few nights ago?" Rosie's excitement beamed on her face. "I'm going to need to see you later for advice! So, keep your schedule free this evening!" 

"I'll be sure to accommodate," I agreed happily. I glanced over to the fashion nova who glowered at me from across the room. 

"And who is this little beauty I see?" Rosie's attention immediately turned over to Charlie. "Oh, Astra, what would Carmilla think if she knew you were putzing around with someone half your age?" Rosie giggled at her own joke, much to Charlie's discomfort. "Oh, I only kid! I know that you are a one-woman type of girl, Astra! I'm sure Carmilla has nothing to fear."

"Never in a million years," I added.  "Actually, this is Charlie. Charlie Morningstar. And we were here wondering if you would be willing to help us with a predicament of hers." 

"Sure!" Rosie exclaimed.  "Let's go over to the sitting area! I'll bring us some finger food to snack on. I'm sure you two are still watching your figures with how small you both are!" I gulped at the idea of zombified fingers being our snack. Rosie showed us to her little sitting area. It was all frilly and pink and perfectly hers. Charlie sat uneasily in the chair across from her. "So, what's on your mind kiddo? What can Auntie Rosie do for you?" 

"Well...erm..." Charlie slowly shut down as her mind processed everything. 

"Well don't keep me in suspense! I'm a very busy woman," Rosie stated charmingly as she grabbed a cup of tea. 

"Well as you know...the extermination is coming early." The more Charlie spoke, the more panicked she became. I frowned. It was so sad to see her so stressed. "It'll be here in a month and they're coming to the hotel and my friends first, and I-I-I-I-I-." 

"We need help, Rosie," I cut Charlie off. "Your cannibals would be a wonderful help against the fight." 

"Well, when you ask a favor, you don't start small. Do ya, your highness?" Amusement lit up Rosie's face as she set her tea aside. She propped herself up on her feet and walked over to us. "Don't fret. I didn't say I wouldn't help, but I'm sure there is more to this than a bunch of unarmed cannibals running amok." She purposefully looked at me for the answer. I am sure she sensed Charlie's stress just as much as I could. 

"Your cannibals can eat all of the angels they kill," I offered. Rosie hummed for a long second. 

"Sure! Why not? But you would have to convince them your highness!" Rosie winked at me. "I'll take you over to the gazebo in town! That's where we hold all of our rallies." Rosie whisked Charlie away without a second thought. A loud clearing of a throat turned my attention to a disgruntled overlord in her usual red and black attire. 

"Hello, Velvet," I greeted quietly. "How have you been?" Her scowl turned into an impish grin in a matter of seconds. 

"Better since I've been away from the two fucksticks I used to call partners," she said with a laugh. "You really left Val in a pit of self-pity and Voxxie isn't doing much better." The more she spoke of their misfortune, the happier she appeared. Velvet waved me to join her at a sewing machine. The woman snapped her fingers and a measuring tape appeared out of thin air. 

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