Algebraic Allies

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After you both left the school, Kyle had informed you that he'd be able to drive you both back to his place since he took his car to school today. He was able to prove that he was a good driver, at least, so this didn't bother you. However, your cousin's driving on the other hand, was enough to scare the absolute hell out of you. Which is why you hadn't allowed your cousin to drive you places, but instead you'd offer to be the driver instead. 

As you both were riding in his car Kyle took this as his liberty to try and give you a fair warning about his family, and how they act. Rather, just try to ignore them, and head up to his room. It was mostly his mom and his younger brother Ike that he'd worried about, knowing that those two were the ones who were the ones known to make unnecessary embarrassing comments. Since Ike was 11 years old now, he was able to tease Kyle more now, and was not afraid to speak his mind. 

You made sure to assure him that it was nothing to worry about. Though you reassured him, he still had that little twinge of nerves that bothered him, they'd most likely subside when he knew that you both were already in his room working on homework. He pulled his car into the driveway, and put it in park. Turning off his ignition, you both exited the car and shut the doors. 

He fumbled with his keys to retrieve the one to the front door, as you both walked up the pathway. You followed close behind him as he insert the key into the door knob, and unlocked the door. He held the door open for you, allowing you to walk inside before he did. You smiled at him, and turned your attention to the inside of the house, taking your first steps inside. 

"Oh, bubbie is that you?" A woman called out from kitchen, in a very noticeable New Jersey accent. "I just wanted to make sure that your friend was still coming over so I know how much dinner to make!" 

"M-mom, she's here." He felt himself get embarrassed from the nickname that his mother had always called him. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to not make it obvious that he hated how he was called 'bubbie' in front of others. 

A woman then revealed herself from the kitchen, as she now stood in the doorframe that separated the kitchen from the living room. She then smiled warmly as she made eye contact with you, and walked up to the both of you. "Oh, my Kyle didn't tell me that it was a girl friend." Sheila's eyes widened slightly in shock, but mostly was surprised that he invited a girl over, not that she had a problem with you being there. It wasn't often that Kyle had a girl over, in fact, she doesn't recall the last time her son brought a girl over.

You giggled softly as you took a step forward to hold your hand out and shake Sheila's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Broflovski!" You shone her a wide smile as you tried your best to make a great first impression. "I'm so thankful for your son; he was so kind to offer assistance with our math homework tonight, so I appreciate you allowing company over!" 

"Oh well aren't you just a sweetheart?" Sheila returned your handshake, and smiled at you. "Why of course I'm more than happy that my little bubbie wants to help out his girl friend! You can come over whenever needed, it's no trouble at all!" She reassured you as she then took a step away in the direction of the kitchen. "If you'll excuse me, I must return to make tonight's supper. I hope you'll join us, we can talk more at the table!" 

"If it's no trouble at all, Mrs. Broflovski I would love to join you guys." You smiled sweetly. "I look forward to getting to know you guys better!" You chimed, and watched as she smiled again, giving you a small wave before heading back to the kitchen and continued preparing tonight's dinner. 

"C'mon, Y/N. Let's head up." Kyle didn't realize that he'd grabbed onto your hand as he guided you up the staircase, and in the direction of his bedroom. Before you two could get far, a door opened and revealed Kyle's younger brother. 

Brewing Romance (Kyle x Reader) South ParkKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat