Chapter 1: The Middle School Jungle

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When it comes to middle school in America, one thing's for certain, people can wright dozens and dozens of stories on it, but nobody can seem to come up with an actual agreement. 

Some people say that the teen years are the best years of a person's life, you grow as a person and everything falls in place, while others will tell you how middle school is hell incarnate with a dump of spice and spite mixed in. 

But if you actually asked a student that goes to middle school, someone like me would say this, "Middle school is quite boring." 

Let's be totally real, all that drama that goes on in school is because one person saw something, told another people, and then it gets so retwisted and retold so much that it loses the actual point.  And how would I know about how stupid school rumors are? It's because I'm standing at center-stage with my boyfriend, Andrew Thompson. 

I was at my locker, grabbing stuff for my bag when Andrew came around and kissed me on the cheek! I smiled as I whipped my head to see his perfect brown eyes and his curly afro. 

"Hi baby! How are you, you look great! As always!" I giggled, he shrugged and smiled back at me. "I'm great, how's my only girl?" 

"I'm cool! Just, great! It's nice to see you again."  

Andrew nodded his head and placed his arm around my shoulder, "So, you have the picture from my last game?"

"Mm? Oh yeah, I do! I took tons of pictures!" I replied, I pulled up my pictures on my phone and me and him looked through it, it was pictures of him hitting the baseball with the bat, running and sliding at homebase!

"Damn, that is one good-looking guy." Andrew smirked as I quickly went to my texts and send him all the pictures, in case he needed them. "Yeah, he's pretty nice. Oh, I almost forget about something!"

"Mm, what is it?"  Andrew asked me.  "Well, you know? A certain someone's birthday is coming up in a few weeks?"

"Oh, yeah, yeah. I get what you mean? Did you get anything for her?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "No, no I did not. But I'm on the lookout for something really spectacular! I'll get it for her eventually, are you gonna get her something?" 

Andrew shrugged and smiled at me, "Maybe I will, maybe I won't. I guess we'll both have to wait and see." I giggled and me and Andrew kept walking together. As we did, the death glares from other girls were all too apparent. But when you're with the popular guy for 6 months, the mean looks are natural.

As walked, some girls I didn't know tripped me and made me drop all of my stuff, they snickered at me like the jerks they were, but Andrew, being the sweet guy he was, helped pick up my stuff. 

I really can't help but wonder, what did I do to deserve this guy? But whatever the answer was, all I could say was, I'm glad I got him. 


I didn't mind math class, I mean, it was a class with math in it, thankfully, Mrs. Haley was super chill this time around, especially since it was a few more days until summer break

The good thing about this class as that Tracey Johnson, one of my best friends, was in this class. As I sat down, I saw Tracey writing something in her notebook, she was super focused in her notebook, then she noticed me and quickly closed her notebook.

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