Jennifer, Ava, Raven.

They call them The Divas, theyre the most popular and prettiest girls in schopl so theyre always on everyones attention.
Every girl wants to join their group or be them and every guy wants to date them.

Personally i think theyre theyre selfish and self centred. Egotistical and judgemental, they're copy and pasted and act the same but somehow Jennifer is their leader.

As i walk to class i hope to myself that they dont notice me, because i am their carpet. They do whatever they want to me and i cant stand up to them, i try to avoid them the best i can but-

"Hey pig!" i hear Jennifer's voice calling me as my back was turned away from her.

I ignored her and kept walking, which was my mistake because i was pulled back by my hair,
"Awhh why are you ignoring me? Did your mother not teach you respect?" She snickered as Ava and Raven followed behind her, giggling.

I winced and grabbed her hand that was now gripping into my scalp, "next time when i call out to you i want you to run to me in four legs" she said through her teeth.
I closed my eyes, trying to say something but i couldnt..

She then let me go and pushed my head forward, "lets practice at lunch" she smiled, i turned to look at her.. glaring.
She looked at me disgusted, then Ava spoke "ew whats wrong with her face" she pointed, having the same disgusted face as Jennifer.
Raven just stared at her phone.
I quickly turned away from them, i felt shame..

Guys lets go we need to get to class" Raven then interrupted, "yeah, lets hurry i dont want Mister Jackson to be mad at me again" Ava turned to Raven nervously.

Muffled conversations, foggy mind i stood there frozen in place i didnt know what to do, should i move?

whispers.. people staring..

"Pig do you hear me?" Jennifer questioned in a annoyed tone, i turned around but didnt dare to look her in the eyes "y-yeah" i stutter.

She scoffs, "whats wrong with you today??"
I stay silent, she gets even more annoyed "Cmon Jen! We need to go or else jackson will bring in my parents" Ava whimpered, Jennifer glanced at her and then me "see you at lunch" she smirked and they walked away..

I could finally move, i exhaled and cursed myself "why dont i do anything? Im so pathetic.. i have the words and confidence to react back but why cant i do it?" I think to myself as i touch my chest "its as if something is holding me back, whats wrong with me?"

Classes were over and i made my way to the canteen, i never had friends and just sat by myself and scrolled on my phone.
I got my tray and my way to the same seat i always sit on when i heard Jennifer call out my name,

"Sarina!!" She smiled and waved, sitting on her claimed table with tons of the popular people. Raven and Ava sitting next to her.

I stood where i was and looked at her confused, she never invited me to sit next to her.. what did she want?

"Cmon. Hurry up" she halted her wave, i then slowly and hesitantly made my way to her famous table.

Ava was sitting next to her and she shoo'd her "let Piglet sit next to me" she laughed as Ava pouts "but i wanna see too!" She exclaimed, Jennifer then laughed louder "shh!" pointing with her index finger to her lips.

I stood there, looking at them nonchalantly. "What are they planning?" I think to myself as Ava finally got up and moved to squeeze next to Raven, "move up!" Ava whispered "Ava you're so annoying just go to another table" Raven frowned.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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