Chapter 2

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// 3rd Person POV //

Everyone was now in his Living room sitting down and watching Sonic and Sir Lancelot as they both stood beside each other being the complete center of attention.

Sonic cleared his throat to hopefully quickly gather their attention off of Sir Lancelot, "Okay, uhm.." he started, finding it hard to explain the strange man in armor in his living room to his friends, especially the whole counterpart situation that came with having to explain Lance's mere existence and home. "So! This is Lance— Sir Lancelot," he quickly corrected himself as he looked toward Lancelot who was staring directly at him, "he's tried to kill me once," he chuckled before pulling the scroll out of his quills, "and he's brought me a letter from a person whose also tried to kill me, talking about how Eggman is trying to destroy/take over their world as we speak!" he grinned awkwardly as they stared at him in shock.

The knight stared at him through his visor, hearing his poor description of himself and his home. He smiled, though it wasn't visible as he remembered their less-than-favorable first encounter.

"Let's see.." Sonic whispered to himself as he turned to face Lancelot, "Lance could you please—"

"I do as you please." Without another word Lancelot removed his helmet, his face and quills now fully visible.

"You-" Sonic sighed before deciding against telling his knight for the hundredth time that he has free will and is able to defy his orders if he so pleased knowing Lancelot wouldn't listen regardless of what he says. "For simplicity's sake, there are alternate versions of all of you in his dimension!" he smiled, "And before you ask, no Tails there isn't an alternate version of me in his dimension, he died.." he stood there silently having drawn a blank while trying to remember how long it'd been before turning to face his knight who patiently stood beside him for help.

"He passed two decades ago Sire." Lancelot replied with his helmet in hand.

"And— a few months in his dimension is equivalent to a few weeks here!" Sonic grinned deeming his explanation to be 'good enough.'

Everyone turned to look at Shadow who looked like he was seconds away from ripping Sonics head off and his double who looked as calm as ever for someone whose home is mere moments away from being destroyed.

"You mean to tell me, that he." Shadow pointed to Lancelot, standing up before continuing, "Is me from another dimension?" his eye twitched extremely irritated by not only having been dragging to this event but also having to find out that Sonic was all buddy-buddy with a different variation of himself. He wasn't sure why the thought of someone else who shared the same face as his own being friends with Sonic enraged him so much but it did.

"Youre acting like there aren't hundreds of Shadow bots somewhere in this world-" Sonic snickered before being interrupted,

"That's not the point!" Shadow yells drawing closer to Sonic,

"Then what is the point Mr I'm the Ultimate Lifeform?" Sonic argued back with both hands on his hips, eyes narrowed and fixated on the ebony figure.

"You—" Shadow said moments away from lunging at Sonic before being stopped by Sonics Knight.

"Back up." Lancelot spoke through gritted teeth, sword in hand ready to defend his King if necessary,

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