Kitty softpaws : well teo

Teo immediately thought to himself that she here for his father and maybe come join their adventures with them, they can travel whatever they go or discover more adventures along the way or be a family together with his dad and kitty,he couldn't handle his excitement

Teo the cat : I know you'll come with us , the
dynamic trio...I'm still naming that for our name team name, you and my dad are amazing together, think of the amazing adventure when you come with us, oh I really can't wait when you two ge-

Kitty softpaws : heheh I'm happy to hear all that teo, but I'm not really here for your father

Teo the cat : oh...then who you're here for anyways ?

Teo try not to show his sadness but Kitty can obviously see it, she got on her knees to be face with him and place her paw on his cheek

Kitty softpaws : I'm here to see you

Teo the cat : m-me ?

Kitty softpaws : yes you, I'm see you and come here to say goodbye

Teo was confused but stunned at the same time on what said, he was curious on why she want to say goodbye to him

Teo the cat : why ? Why say goodbye to me...? Will....will I see you again just like last time ?

Kitty softpaws : Of course we'll see each other again, and when we're far apart, I'm always there in here

Kitty then point to teo chest where his heart is , he look down at his and look up as he smile knowing what she mean, teo felt that if this is a goodbye he finally tell her that he see kitty as her mother figure to him

Teo the cat : well kitty , if this is going to be our last meeting, I want to tell you something...Kitty after the whole beanstalks and other thing that happen....I um...I really see you as my mother figure, like a true mom to me

Kitty softpaws : I know

Teo was in bit of shock that Kitty know he see her as a mother, he look at her as kitty was smiling at him

Teo the cat : wait you knew???? How did you know!?

Kitty softpaws : it very obvious teo , I mean your alway being close to me and commented on my skills annnd you call me mom when I fall at the water

Teo the cat : oh yeah...that...I um..I didn't know you heard...if it make you feel uncomfortable...sorry

Kitty softpaws : don't be , I think it cute that you see me as a mom

Kitty then put her paws on teo cheek making them both smile

Kitty softpaws : but I do wish that I can share that other skills that you always wanted to try

Teo the cat : you don't have to, you already have

Teo pull up and it was kitty mask , Kitty was shock seeing her own mask being held by teo, she patted herself on where she kept it, but then smirk at him

Kitty softpaws : not bad, when did you do that

Teo the cat : I did when you weren't looking and also paying attention on watching how you do it

Teo hand over her mask to Kitty thinking that she want it back, Kitty impress of teo skills just now,she decided to have teo keep her mask

Kitty softpaws : keep it

Teo the cat : what ? But yours

Kitty softpaws : and now it yours, think of it as remembering me by, I think you earn it and don't worry about I'll get a new one

Teo the cat : kitty....I don't know what to say....thank you

Kitty softpaws : your welcome teo

The two cat then hug each other again for one last time, it may be a goodbye but like what Kitty said to teo,she'll see him and puss again, wnd always be in his heart, teo hug her tight as they let each go

Teo the cat : I'll miss you mommy

Kitty softpaws : I'll miss you to teo, hug your dad for me

Kitty rub teo cheek and look at him for one last time, she turn around and walk away, teo see her walking away until he doesn't see her anymore, he look down on his mother mask, knowing that it his mask now but always it her and always be thinking of her as he smile, teo heard a step behind and saw it was his father

Puss in boots : sorry I was gone teo , I was double checking the area before I got back

Teo rush towards his father and give him a hug

Puss in boots : whoa , thank...teo is everything ok

Teo the cat : everything is great dad, just having the best night ever

Puss smile and hug his son, they hug for awhile as they both let go and smile at each other, they both sit next to the fire as puss held his son closer to him

Puss smile and hug his son, they hug for awhile as they both let go and smile at each other, they both sit next to the fire as puss held his son closer to him

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