The Secrets He Hides

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Damian Desmond.

Rich boy, second son to the Desmond family, popular amongst many and a person with a very unique personality.

But, beneath all that is shown to the public, and beneath all the pretense he keeps for the sake of the family name, lies one lonely boy who just wishes to make friends and enjoy life together with his favorite people.

And while he initially planned to keep pretending to be someone he was not, somehow, due to a special someone, he had become more expressive. His pretense slowly melted away, only to be brought out to strangers.

Somehow, he was able to embrace his true self, too.

His special someone?

Anya Forger.

She was the girl who punched him right in the face on the first day of meeting him.

Yep, her.

The girl he had hopelessly fallen for. The girl who was the shining star in his previously dull life.

To anyone who saw them, it was obvious. They were constantly fighting. Fighting over the silliest of things.

But then, upon taking a closer look, you could see his stolen glances and small smiles that he kept to himself. You could see he found her adorable, as much as she annoyed him at times.

She would speak the most ridiculous things, and he would listen. Always listen to her. Hang on to her every word and cherish every memory like they were the most precious things.

Somewhere, somehow, he felt like she understood some part of him. That is why he allowed himself to show her his true self. Even if he hid it from the rest of the world, he showed her some parts of the secrets he kept.

But, to his surprise, the girl he had fallen for had just confessed that she could read minds. With a few months left in their last year as highschoolers, Anya confessed her feelings and secrets to him in earnest and he could see her shaking slightly and the nervousness as she fidgeted with his fingers and the anxiousness in her voice. At that moment, he listened to whatever she had to say, although it was just the one secret she could tell him- the truth about her abilities. After that, he sat next to her, took her hands in his and tried his best to calm her down, putting away all the thinking for later. 

So here he was now, tossing in bed, smiling for one instance, cringing the next, worried a bit but overall feeling happy about the progress in their relationship. He had a lot of things to think about now and there was a never-ending stream of questions pouring in.

What was the status of their relationship? Were they dating now? Should he ask her out to confirm it?

But amidst thinking up the important questions, memories of his crush and internal monologues passed through his head.


He remembered how often he thought about how pretty she looked or how her eyes sparkled when she got excited. He remembered how he called her 'cute' in his head when she was being adorable or dramatic and how she would suddenly whip her head to look at him.

He sat up quickly, flustered, and was instantly thankful his roommates were asleep so they wouldn't tease him. (Yes, he chose to continue staying at the dorms with his friends.) 

While calming himself down he was suddenly attacked by other embarrassing memories. One part of him also worried if she thought of him as pathetic for having the silly worries he had while he was around her.

Honestly, the barrage of memories and questions just made it impossible for him to get any sleep that night.

The Secrets They Hide- A spy x family fanficWhere stories live. Discover now