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Hotchocolate: Y/N's still mad at me.

Der: its gonna be alright bud

Hotchocolate: Morgan, call me "bud" one more time, I dare you.

Emmy: HAHA L

Der: shut the hell up and get back in ur grave bitch

Jay: Hey, don't speak to my wife like that, baldy.

Emmy: u sexy gorgeous woman

Emmy: thats mine everyone yhats my wife right there

Emmy: jj bathroom

Emmy: now.

Hotchocolate: If you guys get caught again I'll have to answer to Strauss, please don't...

Der: nah they alrdy doin it

Der: w/out me too 😕

Hotchocolate: God damnit.

Hotchocolate: Anyways, what do I do about Y/N?

Der: well, as i said in rossis office, u could apologize and let her find the dude...

Hotchocolate: It's too dangerous, Morgan. I've already got Anderson on the case since he's not known to be close with us.

Papa pasta: Aaron, just buy her flowers and explain to her your concerns. Communicate for once in your goddamn life.

Hotchocolate: You're right, Dave. But she won't even look at me, how am I going to get her to speak to me?

Der: dw ill talk to her 😛😛

Spence: Nope. I'll do it.

Hotchocolate: Thank you, Spencer.


Hotchocolate: I don't want her to pull an Emily?

Der: why do yall hate my ass 🥲🥲

Spence: Because you're you. Hope this helps!

Emmy: damn even pretty boy gangin up on ur ass 😭😭😭

Der: if only all of yall would PHYSICALLY do that 😕😕🙏🙏

*Hotchocolate has removed Der*

Emmy: thanks hotch u just ended the suffering of humanity! 🙏🙏

Spence: Thank you, Hotch!

Hotchocolate: No problem, kids!

*Penny has added Der*

Der: d-daddy..? 😛😛

*Penny has removed Der*

Penny: my bad guys 😞

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