Stumbling into the encanto, literally

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  I ran and ran. They were chasing me, *they burnt down my village all because I could shapeshift into animals. Why?? Would I ever see my family again?* I thought as I ran, I could hear the men getting closer. I had to run faster but I couldn't. I was running out of breath as I ran up these green mountains.

" Get back here you little shapeshifter! " One of the men shouted as I kept running

I almost tripped on the way up. Why did they want me, what use was I to them? I kept climbing up the mountain, I quickly shifted into a mountain lion to run quicker and that's when they threw something at me knocking me over the mountain, it was a long fall...

" I don't think she'll survive that... " One man said

" What's the use of going after a dead shapeshifter? " Another one said before they all left

I fell and hit the ground. Hard. Well, that's the beginning of my story.

Mirabel had been walking around the forest when she found a teal-haired girl lying on the ground badly injured.

" Oh my gosh ! " she says picking up the girl quickly and running back to Castia.

" mama mama ! " she yells out to Julieta

Julieta runs out of the kitchen

" what happened? Who's this? " Julieta asks very concerned.

" I I don't know I found her on the ground! " Mirabel says

Julieta quickly takes the girl out of her arms and lays her down on the table. The two wait for her to wake up. Dolores walks into the kitchen.

" Dolores, did you hear what happened? " Mirabel asks her cousin, and she nods.

" some men were chasing her, and she fell. Hm! " Dolores says quietly

Juileta and Mirabel share a worried look. It takes a couple of hours before the girl wakes up. Julieta quickly shoves an arepa in her hand.

" Eat it. It'll make you feel better " Juielta says

Confused I take a bite out of the area. *Oh my gosh, this tastes amazing!* I look down at my arms *woah, how did that heal me?* Julieta smiles

"How did you do that? " I ask

" It's her gift! She can heal people with the food she makes! " Mirabel exclaims.

"Oh, cool. Wait gift? What do you mean by that? " I ask curiously

"Well, we're the madrigals! " She starts

*Who are the madrigals? I've never heard of them before.*

" My mom can heal people with her food, My tia Pepa can control the weather, My sisters Isabela and Luisa, Isabela can grow plants and Luisa's really strong. My Prima Dolores can hear everything! Camilo my primo can shapeshift, and Antiono gets his gift next week! " She says super excited.

*Wait another shapeshifter? This is bad...what if those people want him too?*

" you should go get some rest, hija. I'm sure you're very tired " Juielta says.

" She can stay in the nursery with me and Tonito! " Mirabel says cheerfully and Juelta nods.

Mirabel helped me up and led me to the room they were talking about. *This house is so cool, I mean it feels magical. Wait did that tile move? I'm probably just really tired. I hope that the shapeshifter she talked about is alright.*

" So, what's your name, and why's your hair teal, oh and why is one of your eyes purple and the other green, oh and how'd you get those scars? " Mirabel asks quickly

" Oh uhm I'm Fern, My hair's teal because I was born that way? Same thing with my eyes I was born that way and the scars, I had a mishap with uhm something " I said unsure if I should say they were from shapeshifting into a lion and some people mistook me as a real one.

" oh cool, I'm Mirabel ! and your dress is uhm a little torn " She says.

She wasn't lying my skirt was torn.

" I know how to make them! I could probably make one for you! " She says smiling.

"That would be nice " I smile back as we reach a room with a blue door.

We walk inside the room where a little boy sits on his bed drawing a picture of a jaguar. He jumps up and hugs Mirabel.

" Hi Tonito " Mirabel smiles

" Hi Mirabel, who's she? " He asks curiously, looking at me.

" Oh this is Fern, she's going to be staying with us for a little. " She replies and he smiles before going back to his bed and drawing.

" Casita? Uhm we need another bed, do you think you can make more room? " She asks.

Right before my eyes, I see the room grow a little, and my eyes widen.

" Well get you a bed soon, and while I make you a new skirt you can borrow mine. " She smiles.

" Oh okay, thanks " I smile softly.

Mirabel goes through her drawer finds a yellow skirt and hands it over to me.

" The bathroom is over there, you can change in there " She points to another door and I go inside with the skit.

I put on the skirt, it was so pretty. *I really like it here, but where is my family? Are they even okay?* I walk out of the bathroom with the skirt on.

" It looks so good on you! " Mirabel says.

" Thanks, " I smile

A boy who looked around my age bursts into the room, he had really curly brown hair and hazel green eyes.

" Hey Mira, who's this? " He asks

" This is Fern, and Get out! " Mirabel says sounding a little annoyed.

*Who was this?* I wonder....


- Fern's 15

- *insert sentence or word* means she's thinking

- Fern's not from the Encanto and her 'gift' is some type of mutation

- it will switch from 3rd to 1st person...

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