Untitled Part 1

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Well, what would I choose? Would I be obedient and follow the rules like my mother or be misbehaving and rule-breaking like my father? I knew that her mother would say her favourite saying "Think and think before you do then follow through with your actions" Anbeth Chace.

Serntey realized that she needed to help her biological twin Sophie. But like her father Percy and her mother Annabeth and friends she would have her friends the jr. 9 just like their parents. My best whole wide would be Zoey Zane. I can't forget twins Hope and Luke ( goes by Flash) Grace and of course triplets Fire Breaker (real name is Harry) micksizzel (real name is Mack) and my favourite out of the triplets most like her mother Callie Valdez and then comes the nice twin and misteves trouble (becket) I guess you guess he is trouble, pranking and sneaky boy and kind well-behaved Selena like her mother-and then, of course, Lia D'Angelo and of course my twin sister Sophie Jackson. Together we are the boys are the amazing 9 (I know the name needs no work but we boys are amazing if I do say so myself and others would agree well at least the boy would agree with me. ). IF YOU JUST UNLINED THAT WAS BECASES OF THE BOYS WHO SOMEHOW THEY HACKED MY COMPTER(I know it was you Harry, Mack, Leo, Luke, Percy, Jason and I won't forget Conner and Travis probably the masterminds and don't deny it. And you won't without revenge MACK!!!! HARRY!!!!!! LUKE!!!!!!!! LEO!!!!!! PERCY!!!!! TRAVIS!!!!!! CONNER!!!! The girls yelled! And our moms and aunts bagels 7 and friend girls aunts joined into heads off we had a plan of revenge.

So what would do to the boys and so we put our heads together and gave ideas and listened and once the plan was explained we were ready contain are giggled, whispering we were ready for our plan boys need a lesson.

the reavensh is as fowling. We wount stoop level instead of surprise makeovers and we would act like they dident them

We girls disagree about the name, the real name is Brave 9.

Are next missen is to help my sister defeat the neverseen but with dei and capes that reflect what our grandparents and parents are gods of. like, for example, my disguise is going to be a cape that looks like and is made of owl feathers like my grandma's and has little wares on the trim of the cape to reflect my grandfather Poseidon and my mask is a owl, beak and all and my rest my out is slim dark ocean blue niga body suit with pockets that are filled with jewellery that turn into weapons, but also a pock filles thoghing stars that run out and quiver filled with arwoes that will never run dry Mizzil is wearing a fire cape and mask. Same for brother but her sister wears a long wight cape and mask made of magick her mother's specialty. Twins, where one wears a Lightning coat and Mack and the other wears, a love magick cape and mask basically charm speaks in solid but not from. Then Lia has a cape made mister of darkness and mystery. Not deadly to touch but will nock you a few minutes. Same for same love magick and lightning. Then the other twins the stoll brother and sisters. Like her mother, she wears a poison ivy cape and a green mask made of safe thick protativeiv plants. and all the capes with their powers can make protect their wearer people close to them but only if they are trusted . Of course like his father is wearing a cape of pranks and it is sneaky.

We were ready for fist mishen at last

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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