Chapter 2

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A/N: I understand that people may be getting frustrated that Regina has not yet been introduced and I PROMISE I'm getting to it! Just give me time aha. This is a filler chapter because I'm having a terrible week and need a little more time^

Anyways... without further ado.

I pushed through the hoards of kids, it was like attempting to swim against a riptide. Finally I made it to my locker and managed to pull it open. I deposited my books in the space, grumbling to myself about personal space as kids shoved by. I felt somebody push down on my shoulders my name suddenly being shrieked in my ear, "Alexia, Lex!!" I heard the guy, his voice full of excitement. My face instantly brightened as I turned around, spotting my best friend. "Nick!" I grinned. Nick was a good-looking guy who I'd met a couple of years ago. We were both on the swim team and we'd bonded over being sporty and having unbearable siblings and embarrassing families. His dark, fluffy hair, which always seemed too close to poking him in the eyes for comfort, was actually combed back for once. I flicked it as I spoke, "I missed you over summer man!" I beamed. He smiled at me, "God, me too, my family are insufferable!" I nodded at him, "Tell me about it." I slammed my locker and we walked down the corridor, comparing awkward summer stories and just generally catching up about life.

It took us a couple of minutes to get through the swarms and to our group's "Morning Table" which was basically the place where anyone whom had a shred of popularity and could play a sport gathered. Outside of morning, we tended to split off into more "clique-like" Groups, but in the morning everyone just mingled. I allowed Nick to lead me toward them, smiling at my friends, offering "hi's" and asking about summer, without really caring to hear the answers. My mind wandered to further places and I allowed my attention to drift, lost in my own head, my blue eyes blank. What would this term be like for me? I imaged it would be the same as always, three years into highschool and I was basically the same girl I had been when I came in, if not slightly meaner and a couple of inches taller. 

I grabbed my phone, quickly checking my timetable. Oh fun, math. Despite not being too stupid, I'd never really excelled in school and I was badly failing maths, honestly sport was more my thing. I internally groaned, getting to my feet, glancing at nick, he was looking at me too, " What class do ya have?" he questioned. I snapped out of my daze, "Oh- I have my own personalised hell!" I grinned, "You mean Math, Lex?" His tone was lighthearted so I responded with a sigh, "I think the names are interchangeable." I grumbled. "Well- I have gym, so I guess it just sucks to be you. See you around punk." He jibed, "Dude I'm literally the same age as you!" I called but he was already half gone. I grumbled and ran my hands through my long blonde hair as the bell sounded, cutting through conversations and symbolising a start to the long and dreary day the stretched ahead of me. Time for maths. 

"Obsessed" - Regina GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now