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Ryder Daniels.

Most people when they hear that name they first would say he's one of the hottest guys in school.

The second thing is that he's very talented.

The third thing would be all the rumors surrounding him (mostly from girls of course).

You see there are tons of rumors circulating around Hollywood Arts about Ryder Daniels.

The rumor that is heard the most though goes a little something like this:

When there is a project coming up in class he will team up with someone (a girl) in that class "go out on a date" with said girl then once they do the project and get a grade on it (an A usually) he would "break up" with them and then move on to someone else.

But you see, what no one knows (except the girls that started the rumors as well as Ryder and a few others) is that those rumors are 100% false.

Yep, that's right, you heard me correctly.

100% FALSE.

How do I know this you ask?

Well, allow me to introduce myself, Vanessa Taylor, and I am Ryder Daniels' girlfriend and childhood best friend.

But by the end of this story I will also be known as the girl who will reveal the truth of these so-called rumors and the truth about who my boyfriend really is.

But first we have to set the scene and to do that we have to go back a bit to around just after Tori and her friends just got "revenge" on Dale Squires for taking credit for Beck's script/short film.

This story will start a few weeks after that incident. 

(A/N): So this is the prologue for my first Victorious book.  I came up with this idea a while ago but haven't had the time to write it so here it is. I am almost finished with writing chapter 1 then I just have to edit it. I am aiming for an upload by the end of the week but we'll see.

I'm also trying to finish up the prologue for my hsmtmts ricky book I have the cover and everything else (cast, disclaimer, playlist, etc.) finished already and might upload those sometime either this week or next week depending on how long it takes to write the prologue (which might be 2 parts because of how long it is). 

I'll keep you guys updated and work writing enough so I can upload consistently but it'll take some time. 

Bye for now

- glamgirl889 

Rumors, rumors are they true?Where stories live. Discover now