Kagamine Len

16 0 2

-Male (He/Him)
-Biromantic/Asexual (prefers males)
-Birthday: December 27th
-Nationality: Japanese-British
-Likes: Piko, fire, his baseball bat, video games, bananas
-Dislikes: His anger issues, people hurting Piko, himself

Len may seem cold and intimidating but that's because he has a resting bitch face, he's actually a pretty nice guy if you don't piss him off. He does however have a very short temper and can get violent if pushed too far. He's often the straight man along with Gumi and Piko but when violence and arson is involved, he'll join in. He has a thing for fire. When did this happen, no idea but he likes fire. He's half Japanese, half British.

He's the slightly older twin of Kagamine Rin. They both get along fine.

He's dating Utatane Piko who he adores dearly and is very and I mean VERY overprotective of. He has a baseball bat for "safety" reasons and was taught martial arts by Luka. He holds grudges against a ton of people (Defoko, Saki, etc.) and he holds grudges for a very long time.

Len does mean well but he feels like people are better off without him because of his short-temper and worries that he might hurt his loved ones because of his anger, especially Piko. He also focuses on others more than himself so he often doesn't take care of himself well.

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