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Melody: Our heroes are going to save the day

Flora: There's still more to the story Melody

Melody: Like what?

Flora: Well remember when I said that island was going to come back?

Melody: Yeah

Flora: Well while Blair goes to tell my sisters about what happened we'll go see what''s happening on the island

Melody: What's happening?

Flora: Let's just say that Captain Creek has plans for Floyd

Then we transition back to the island

Floyd woke up and saw that he was chained to the wall

Captain Creek: Good you're awake

Floyd: Captain Creek! You rat!

Captain Creek: Sorry Floyd, but I want to be king and you're the only thing that's stopping me and now you're all alone

Floyd: Not true

Captain Creek: Branch ditched you to save someone else

Floyd: Well Clay wouldn't ditch me

Captain Creek: Oh he's being taken care of too

Floyd: No no

Captain Creek: Oh yes and I know about this weird call that you and your brothers have with each other and I won't let you use that

Then Captain Creek used a cloth and gagged Floyd so he couldn't call his brothers for help

Captain Creek: See you never

Then he left

Floyd couldn't take the cloth off because his hands were chained to the wall

Then Floyd had doubt about everything even about himself

Then Captain Creek left the island

Melody: Floyd will be okay. Won't he mom?

Flora: I don't know Mel. Let's hope that our heroes can get here before high tide

Melody: High Tide?

Flora: The prison that Floyd is being held in is one that fills up with water. Floyd could drown if the others don't save him in time

Melody: We have to help him

Flora: No Mel we can tell the others about this but can't get involved with the storyline and plot

Floyd and the Three MusketeersWhere stories live. Discover now