I haven't been in a relationship since Caleb, I wasn't looking for one, but I sort of turned into Noah. I was having constant one night stands, and I wasn't ashamed, but I wasn't fulfilled either.

Finn was still my best friend, but he got married last year. She's a lovely girl, Ashley, and I consider her my best friend too. It's nice to have someone to go shopping with, and talk about girl things with. We clicked instantly, and I cried at their wedding. I gained a sister in her, and I was so happy for them.

She goes out with Finn and Noah sometimes and reports back to me, things only a girl would pick up on. Hearing about his success makes me happy, even now when I haven't spoken to him in years. Finn tells me he still asks about me too, but things are better this way.

I hear he's dating a model, Camille or something, and I've seen them in photographs together. She's very pretty. Finn thinks they're getting pretty serious. While I am very happy for him, I still have to ignore the pang of emotion his name still gives me.

I finish putting my things into a carryon and make sure to slip my passport into my purse.

There's a knock on my door and I know it's Finn. He's taking me to the airport. I let him in and he's rubbing his eyes sleepily. I should have just called a cab, but this is what friends are for.

"Ready to go?" He asks. I was hoping Ashley would be with him but she's not.

"Yep," I say, grabbing my purse and suitcase.

"Are you sure you want to spend Christmas all by yourself?" He asks when we get to the airport.

I had never been more sure, "yes Finn, I'll see you in two weeks," I kiss his cheek and he helps me get my bag.

It's the middle of the night, I've learned I like flying at night best. It takes no time to get through security. I grab a sugary coffee, I only have around thirty minutes before they start boarding.

There's not many people here, and I'm thankful as I call my mom.

"Top of the morning to you," she says on an awful British accent.

"You are so weird," I laugh at her.

"You all ready for your trip?" She asks, back in mom mode.

"Yes, they're about to board," I tell her.

"I love you, let me know when you land!"

"Love you."

"Now Boarding first class to LAX"

I gather my bags and line up, I get crazy discounts for airlines now. I don't splurge on short trips, but I'll be traveling for 5 hours and I want to be comfortable.

There's six of us, we all pick out our seats, and there's enough room for each of us to have a window seat alone, except for the few couples that want to sit with each other.

A stewardess brings champagne over, and I decide to indulge, because I've never been on a flight this long.

I put in my headphones, turning the music up as loud as I can stand it. I was still pretty terrified of flying.

I take my headphones out long enough to hear the attendants going over safety protocol, and shove them back in.

A man slides into the seat beside me at the last minute. I smile at him briefly and turn back to the window. He looks familiar, with his black hair and ice blue eyes. He's covered in tattoos, but his face is kind.

He's kind enough to wait until we completely at altitude, and the seat belt sign has gone off to tap me on the shoulder.

I pull one headphone out and look at him, "hmm?"

Exit Wounds | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now