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I don't speak to Noah the whole ride home. I didn't know what to say, my head was so loud with thoughts. I certainly didn't have feelings for him. If anything, I had very small, rebound adjacent attraction to him. Yes, that was all. He was attractive, I could admit that.

We had spent most of the day on the river and I was exhausted when Finn dropped us off. I kissed his cheek and told him I would see him Friday. Noah was watching me as I walked into my apartment without a word to him. I still didn't have words.

I took a long, hot shower before crawling into bed for some overdue sleep. I pass out almost instantly, with clouded thoughts of Noah and how I had felt with him out on the water. We had been completely in sync all day, we hadn't been arguing, and he had talked me into doing things I wasn't used to doing.

I startle awake, I can tell it's still dark outside. I check my phone, a little after midnight. I hear what must have woken me up, a pounding on my door. Who the hell was here this late?

I wrap a robe around me before slowly making my way up the stairs to the door. I hold my breath and move the curtains just enough to peek at who is pounding on my door. I press my hand over my mouth to hold in a shriek, it's Caleb.

I don't dare open the door, and instead start backing down the stairs. Careful not to make any noise so he doesn't know I'm in here, but before I can bail all the way I hear Noah's soft voice.

"What's going on, man?" Noah's voice is thick with sleep and I peer through the window to get a good look at him. His eyes are barely open as he confronts Caleb.

"Stay out of this," Caleb growls in response.

"This is my house, I can't stay out of it," Noah responds evenly. Fuck, I was going to have to break this up. I open the door slowly and take a tentative step outside.

"There you are," Caleb sighs, before pulling me to his chest. I lock eyes with Noah who is giving me a questioning glance.

"Caleb, you need to go," I say, my voice small and meek. I don't want the confrontation, I don't want him here, I don't want to see him. I just want him to go and I don't want to see him again.

"Del, come home," he pleads, gingerly using his fingers to push my hair away from my face. I turn my head to get away from his touch. I press my hands to his chest and push away from him. Caleb glared back at me, hurt, as I shook my head.

"No, Caleb, I need you to go," I say firmly. Noah moves closer to me and I realize, inappropriately, that he's not wearing a shirt. Only a pair of sweatpants hang low on his hips and I have to make myself turn away from him.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Caleb exclaims, gesturing at Noah and then back to me. "You've already moved on and with his pretentious asshole? You slut," his spits, his voice full of venom.

Tears spring to my eyes as Noah moves to get in between Caleb and I. I wanted to deny any involvement with Noah, but I didn't think it would matter anyway. Caleb's words stung, he had never even raised his voice at me, let along spat such vitriol at me.

"You need to go, now," Noah demands, his chest heaving and his hands balling into fists.

"What are you going to do?" Caleb challenges, taking a step towards me. Noah holds up his hands and stops Caleb from further movement.

"You aren't going to come near her until you cool off," Noah says evenly.

Caleb laughs and takes another step, and in an instant Noah's hand is connecting with his jaw.

I let out a shriek as Caleb staggers back a few steps, "You're going to regret that," Caleb seethes. He rushes Noah and Noah's legs come out from under him and the pair land in a heap on the ground. Caleb was on top and get's a shot on Noah's face, but Noah quickly gained the upper hand. Noah got two shots on Caleb before I gathered my wits.

Exit Wounds | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now